Okay Guys

Jul 23, 2009 13:09

I'm made of fail. It's been forever since I posted. I want to start posting again. But I have some questions. I don't want to start posting just to learn that nobody reads anymore because of my long absence. I'm not trying to have this be some stupid popularity contest, but if you still read/are still interested in reading my journal, will you please comment? I think it'd be silly to keep journaling here regularly if nobody reads it. You know?

I know a lot of you are on Twitter with me, or Facebook. I don't have my Twitter feeding over here anymore, so I hope nobody holds that against me anymore. I'd like to continue all three, and I won't just be repeating what I say on those over here, although I may elaborate something I say on those. Who knows. Still, I have to see if there's reason for me to return...

That said, if you ARE on Facebook, I hope that you've friended me over there. Likewise, if you're on Twitter.

And for the pimping-ness, I'd like to request any facebook friends of mine to go vote for me in this contest. Today's the last day. http://www.facebook.com/ineedafreeday?v=feed&story_fbid=121577608091 Just become a "fan" of "I Need A Free Day" and then "Like" my caption entry. You can remove yourself as a fan after that and your vote will remain.

Likewise on the pimping front, my friend Gally is in a contest and we'd love to see her get more votes. You can vote several times a day on this one, and it's going to go on for the next... monthly or so? But even one vote is one vote more than she had! So please, help me help Gally. Thank you! She'll love you forever, even if she's never met you. XD http://www.brickfish.com/Pages/PhotosAlbums/PhotoView.aspx?picid=928066_39314834&=PP_EntryDetail_469_FBPOST&isep=1&pbapi=2618876&pbvi=93271724¬pbb=true
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