Keeping Busy...

Aug 10, 2009 10:32

So I've been absolutely insane lately. There are no words. I am working on a bellydance commission (gotta get pumping, running out of time). I'm feverishly working with Joel to clean house (oh man, where did the time go?). To keep myself sane, I'm hanging out with Whitney a lot (and local John when we can get together), and doing a lot of knitting! Yes, I learned to knit at last! I only have about six inches into the scarf I started, but I'm very proud of myself! Two weeks in, and I'm making a scarf! ::shimmies::

I guess I don't really have all that much to say. I try to watch stuff with friends when I can. Thursdays are "anime nights" with online friends (anyone who wants in is welcome). Saturdays Joel and I spend together, and have a movie night, because it's really the only day we can have time together with his crappy schedule (no, it still hasn't changed).

Oh, for those who don't know, I gave blood last Monday. I don't know why, but I reacted poorly. Usually I react really well, without having any issues, but I hadn't given blood for about four years (since before we moved to GA). I guess something with my diet (I had just gotten back into a losing schedule as I was on track again), or something, made for a poor reaction. I got home fine, but once home I was having severe vertigo, nasea, and black outs. It lasted into Tuesday and I took the day off. It lasted a bit into Wednesday, but was much much better, so I worked again. Now I'm fine, but I still don't know what happened. I guess I just hadn't taken care of myself well enough beforehand, because it shouldn't have happened!

Thank you to everyone that helped me to win the Birmingham vacation thing. The gas cards are here, and I've already started using them, yay! XD I'm waiting for the hotel stuff to get to me so I can plan my mini-vacation. It sounds like it will be fun!

I... don't really know what else to say. What do you guys have to say? I haven't been keeping up with journal at all. I've missed everything. So update me here!
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