It Is Official

Aug 24, 2008 07:04

I have been awake for over 24 hours. I'm not even feeling the least bit loopy, either. I must be cracked. Surely I'll crash soon. Probably... but hopefully not before I get everything ready and get home from taking Joel to work. Then I can sleep all I want until I have to go get him again.

To Do List:

Record musac.
Get directions to Orlando ( Read more... )

vacation, disney

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Comments 23

ex_crucioed August 24 2008, 13:10:48 UTC
I very often end upo staying awake over 24 hours! You're just as sane as I am :P


dependonyou August 24 2008, 14:21:49 UTC
I never stay up this late. This is ONLY so I can sleep momentarily and wake up fresh for the long drive...


ex_crucioed August 24 2008, 19:40:15 UTC
I can never just sleep for a short while so I just stay awake XP


dependonyou August 24 2008, 21:43:24 UTC
Well, five hours isn't that short of a while, honestly. I'd have preferred seven, but it's my own fault.


ami_lee August 24 2008, 15:01:37 UTC
my goodness you're a worry-wort *hug*
I hope you cillax in time to enjoy your vacation :)


dependonyou August 24 2008, 15:35:03 UTC
I am, I really am. And there's just so much to worry about! But I'm trying. I'm really trying!


pristine13 August 24 2008, 15:04:21 UTC
You better get some good sleep so you won't be dead when you meet me ;P We're meeting at IHOP at 3, right? Send me a message or call me at 3 and tell me if you're in town or only nearby. >.>

Good luck with all of the packing! *snuggle*


dependonyou August 24 2008, 15:33:41 UTC
Ihop at three, though it's looking like it could've been later. See a comment I made in my previous post just a few minutes ago to someone, mermaiden I think. We're going to shoot for being there at 3, but we might end up idling at Disney as a result. Let's hope I can get them to do me a favor...

You have my cell. In case of emergency, my grandmother's number is the same as mine... except her last digit is a 6. Convenient like that. So if anything happens, you know who to call. Nothing should happen, though.

I won't be dead. I'm about to go to sleep shortly...

Packing ish all done... yay!


pristine13 August 25 2008, 01:03:35 UTC
Hey, by my calculations you should be headed down here right now zomg. And we'll see you in six hours or so! Squee! I hope your drive is SAFE and as enjoyable as the drive can be. I'll see you at IHOP!


dependonyou August 31 2008, 04:16:07 UTC
Heeeeeeeee, meeting up with you was so awesome and I only wish we could've hung out longer and done more! ::clings:: The cd you made for me was AWESOME. So much awesome. And you even included the Chiuaha (sp) song! Hah! Joel hates that song, all because of the blasted movie that looks ridiculously stupid. I hate what the movie DID with the song... so I'm glad to find that I wasn't crazy, and that I HAD heard the song elsewhere. It's not my favoritest song, but the chorus is damn catchy.

::stops rambling::


targeter August 24 2008, 15:18:46 UTC
Wheee! Almost vacation time for you! *grin* BTW, do you know Joel's work schedule for D*C yet?


dependonyou August 24 2008, 15:34:38 UTC
::mutters:: NO, they're implementing a new system, and so they haven't made the schedule yet. I'm praying that when I pick him up he'll have it. My phone number is 813-545-9498. Give me a call around 9 or so, and I'll give you the word?


targeter August 24 2008, 16:00:53 UTC
Okay, sounds good!


targeter August 24 2008, 18:07:58 UTC
Better idea. My cell phone is 415-317-3966. Why don't you give me a call when you know the schedule, whether it's tonight or next weekend or whatever. Sound good?


ladyterentia August 24 2008, 16:35:06 UTC
"I almost crossed out the lines by applying a purple sharpie marker to my monitor."

O_O! Oh my! That's shocking and hilarious. XD Hope you got lots of sleep, dear! And have a wonderful time in Disney. ^^


dependonyou August 24 2008, 21:44:32 UTC
The scary thing? I had five hours allotted for sleep by the tiem I got upstairs. I woke up with a charlie horse (is that what that is, a cramp in my calf so painful it isn't funny?) at 4:00 and had no desire to get to sleep after that. I forced myself to sleep until 5:00, but it was tough.


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