It Is Official

Aug 24, 2008 07:04

I have been awake for over 24 hours. I'm not even feeling the least bit loopy, either. I must be cracked. Surely I'll crash soon. Probably... but hopefully not before I get everything ready and get home from taking Joel to work. Then I can sleep all I want until I have to go get him again.

To Do List:

Record musac.
Get directions to Orlando Tourist Bureau Welcome Center (didn't know we'd HAVE to go there to get our hotel reservations).
Pick out anime to bring with in case I'm bored in the hotel after we've left the park.
Contact Welcome Center to see if we can come after close and still get our $50 gift card, or if they're going to make us late to the park (and have to mill around for a couple hours with no hotel). See my most recent comment to mermaiden in my prior post. I will be calling them back regarding this while I'm driving.
Double check To Bring list to make sure everything we need is on it.
Make sure everything on To Bring list is packed and ready to go.
Bleach toilets and bathtubs before leaving (nice good cleansing chemical soak while we're out).
Take bike rack off of car (knew I'd forgotten something).
Sleep. Will I have time for this one? ;op Blessed, blessed sleep. Will update more when I awaken.
Get dressed.
Put last minute things (ice packs, cooler, etc.) in the car.
Take out garbage.
OMG I think something else goes here but I have no clue what!!! I better not be.
Lock up really really well.
Get Joel From Work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THEY'RE OFF! (OMG I'm on my way to Disney if this is scratched off, guys!)

ETA a Note: I totally am too tired. I almost crossed out the lines by applying a purple sharpie marker to my monitor. O.O Bedtime.

vacation, disney

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