And I Run... I Run So Far Away...

Aug 22, 2008 11:19

We've needed an escape for a while: a vacation, some time to ourselves, some time where we don't have to worry about ANYTHING but enjoying ourselves. So we planned such a vacation. We saved. And now we're taking it. I didn't tell most of you (because I wasn't "omg we're going" until right now, which shows just how stressed I've been), but we are going to Disney this coming week. The plans are vague in some areas, and very defined in others. So far, the plans include:

Friday (that's today!): I'm at work. As I type this, Joel should be getting off work. It is his current plan to bike home (8-9 miles). I hate when he has to do this, but we have little choice. Dear locals, if you're in the area and headed our way, give Joel a call and maybe offer him a ride home if you have somewhere for his bike? Hah. Anyway. I'm sure he'll be dead when he gets home, so he'll likely go straight to bed, not to awaken until some crazy hour, possibly not until I get home and wake him myself. Which is good. He'll be able to keep ME awake.

As for me, work gets off at 5. I'm trying to get everything I can done now because I'll be gone for a week. I'll be here until 5:30, and then I am going to the "staff night out" function. This year it is a 'casino' theme, with fake-money gambling. ::twirls a finger:: I'm not looking forward to it. Mostly going for free food/possible door prizes. If I decide I'm having fun, I'll stay. Otherwise, I'm going home. Oh, and at some point on the way home I'm picking up some cookbooks from a fellow freecycler. <3 cookbooks...

When I get home, I'll be staying up ALL NIGHT. As much as I possibly can. Period. Going to work on commission piece. Going to be online. Might play games. Gunna do all I can to stay up.

Saturday: Joel works tomorrow... 10-6 I think. Boo. Will likely sleep after dropping him off until such time as I need to pick him up. Will likely go back to sleep once I get home, to wake up around 9 or 10. At least, that's the plan... In the morning before I drop him off, I will have either crashed (hope not) or I'll be getting as much done as I can, even if that means 6am vacuuming and assembling of bookshelves. Nothing extravagant is planned for the day. At some point, however, we will need to pack.

Sunday: Wonky sleeping schedule continues. I believe Joel works until 6 again. Whatever. Waking up to get him from work, and probably napping until it's time to leave. I will tentatively say we're leaving at 9pm. I have to double-check. LOOOOOOONG drive to Orlando follows and leads into..

Monday: 3:30am. We will be meeting with pristine13 and her boyo for breakfasts at an Ihop in her area. Awesome detour that will add an hour of drive time and at least an hour to an hour and a half of social time, but I don't care. Joel's accepting of the idea, but I don't think he really cares. I think the most he cares about is the fact that he'll be getting breakfast/steak. Pristine and I, however, will have a rousing good time while Joel and her boyo kind of stare at each other blearily because neither wants to be awake. ::laughs:: And then... driving the rest of the way to Disney!

Our hotel has early checkin, but only if there are rooms available. We'll be going there, finding out whether or not they have rooms available, and checking in (or letting them know we'll be checking in later if not). We already have reservations, so whatever. Park. Leave whatever we don't need in the car. And then... OFF to......... one of the parks. The tram leaves at 7:22 even though the parks don't open until 9, so fun times. Maybe I'll take a cat nap while we're waiting for the park to open. Heh. I know we're either going to the Magic Kingdom or Hollywood (whatever they've renamed Universal Studios), because later plans have locked Epcot and Animal Kingdom onto certain days. I'm guessing Universal first, that way we'll have resort hours for Magic Kingdom. Anyway... do that, leave whenever we leave, have a blast... and then return to the hotel to check in/go to our room. SLEEEEEEEEEEEP blessed sleep I'm sure I'll need it. ::laughs::

Tuesday: Let's see here... early wake up, as usual. Possibly more than usual depending. On Tuesday we have to do two major things. 1) See a stupid presentation trying to convince us to buy a timeshare (we got free hotel in exchange for this) and 2) speak with an official Disney Wedding Consultant! As you can already guess, we're much more looking forward to 2. However, 1 hasn't given us a scheduled time and won't until the day of, possibly the day before at best. This means that we have to fret and worry until then as to whether our required stupid meeting conflicts with our much more important wedding meeting. We shall do everything in our power to make sure both are done, especially given the fact that we have a 9am appointment with the consultant. I refuse to miss this appointment. We'll see how it pans out.

Once we've got all that worked out, the only other thing planned for Tuesday at present is possible Downtown Disney crawling. Shopping! As if we were here for anything else? ::laughs:: We may have dinner with Joel's father. That's under the "we hope so but we'll see" category. We want to discuss wedding plans with him to see how much he thinks he might be able to contribute to the cause. ;-; Not that I'm expecting anything... but I'd really rather NOT pay the whole thing myself. Debt bad. Saving 15k in a year or two? Impossible. This will be our second night in the... HamiltonHiltonWhatever... which is our final night.

Wednesday: Evacuation and checkout of the HamiltonHiltonWhatever. Everything goes back in the car until evening. We drive to the Disney Carribian Resort, and more than likely won't be able to check in first thing in the morning. Boo. But we should be able to get resort hours at the parks, so Magic Kingdom (I assume) will hopefully either be an early-entry or a late-exit for us. Either way it'll be fantabulous. I can't wait. I can't wait for any of this, what am I talking about? Of all our days, this is probably the least full. Hump day. XD We spend our first night in a mid-grade Disney Resort (my first ever sta

Thursday: We shall have another busy day. We are meeting up with takeusagi to go to Epcot, so we won't be able to use the early/late entry of the resort, but that's okay. We'll probably be leaving at a reasonable hour anyway, because the three of us have reservations for Medieval Times! Between the two, and the fact that we'll be with Heidi, I forsee this day being absolute bliss. Then it's back to the resort for our last night.

Friday: Check out in the morning, throwing everything in the car. Don't know if we'll get extended resort hours at Animal Kingdom, but don't know if I care either. We saved it for Friday because it's the one we're least interested in, so we figure if we get bored we can leave early because... we're driving back home this day. Yup, wake up early, go to Animal Kingdom, and then drive the 7+ hours all the way home. I predict we'll be home at some crazyass hour Friday Night or ... Saturday Morning.

Saturday: Joel works. Morning shift. Like, I think either 7 or 10am. I forget which. It's insane. He may be a zombie at work, but he doesn't care. I hit up D*Con for the first day while he's at work, returning from the convention (uncertain if I will be buying us badges or not just yet) in time to pick him up from work. At least we'll be sleeping in our own beds again. Depending on what time we get in, I'll probably be swinging by Mom's this morning to pick up my costume, which cimplybe is making for me, and will be shipping to me. ::fawns all over her::

Sunday: No clue about Joel's schedule. He may know today when I get home. He may or may not be working. Let's hope for not, shall we? This is also the day that I'm scheduled to be in a cosplay group with targeter, wearing the costume that cimplybe is making for me. I'm so excited. I'll make sure I have some Girl Genius pictures to share with everyone. Many pictures will be had throughout the trip of course, but yea. Girl Genius. Cosplay. Oh man it's been forever.

Monday: Again, we don't know Joel's schedule. Whatever shall be shall be, and all. If nothing else, I'm going to the con again. I don't care if we don't buy badges (depends on how much we spend at Disney), but darnit, I want to hang out with friends and wander around in costume. I have the day off, so I'm going to enjoy it. If I decide not to go, though, this day will be dedicated to working on the commission. ^^;

So... that's the week in sum. Over a week really, but whatever. Sounds fun, eh? Why do my vacations always seem to be just as stressful, if not moreso, than real life? ::laughs::

costumes, wedding, d*con, vacation, disney, cosplay

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