
Mar 05, 2008 11:17

So, I suppose my life isn’t all that interesting, but at least I have something to write about and a desire to write, now. What does that mean for you guys? That you get to hear about my trip to Six Flags on Sunday. It was pretty darn fun. I was feeling kind of down in the dumps on Saturday evening (read: sick), and kind of spur of the moment ( Read more... )

six flags, weekend

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Comments 13

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dependonyou March 5 2008, 17:25:20 UTC
The first time as it started to go up I was all "oh shit, I'm not scared of roller coasters, but this is freaking me out"... and I screamed when we were suddenly dropped, a real scream, even though I'm the one that went "omg we're going on THAT next!" After that, I never screamed, though my breath always caught, and it was SO heart pounding. S'why I love it so much. Coasters just don't scare the daylights out of me anymore, and I'm a thrill seeker. Had to go more thrilling. I love how they just SLIGHTLY tip you forward, too, so you're looking down.

On my last ride, there was a lady a few seats down saying how her mom made her get on the ride and she wanted of and OH, the longer we waited to go up the more scared she was. Think I lost my eardrums somewhere when we finally came down. XD Lots of 'never agains' were heard as I was leaving from her. ;op


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dependonyou March 5 2008, 19:06:05 UTC
Joel can attest, I laugh my ass off on roller coasters. XD


lokechild March 5 2008, 16:45:58 UTC
Sounds like you had a fantastic time! :)
Ya those carnival games are always made of losing and failure. I've never been to any sort of theme park. Dave says when he gets up here, we're going to West Edmonton Mall (in Edmonton, Alberta) since they have a water park and an amusement park in the mall. :)


dependonyou March 5 2008, 17:22:53 UTC
Water park and amusement park in the mall? Kickarse. That sounds like a blast. I hope you have fun when you do go.


lokechild March 5 2008, 17:39:49 UTC
Ya. It's freaking huge. It's the biggest mall in Canada. It has the park, water park, a skating rink, a huge ass hotel, and what seems like a billion shops and restaurants. I went there when I was little. It was HUGE. I just looked it up and they say it covers 48 city blocks. Wow.


dependonyou March 5 2008, 17:56:55 UTC
Damn. Now I wanna go there, too...


morganskye March 5 2008, 17:08:41 UTC
I haven't been to Six Flags in aaaages. Must go sometime soon.

Btw, a great cure for blisters is to put deodorant on them right when you feel them coming on. No joke! The anti-persperant(sp) in it pulls the moisture out which will reduce their size and time it takes for them to go away. At least it works for me. ^_^


dependonyou March 5 2008, 17:22:24 UTC
Iiinteresting. Though I dunno if it would've helped me knowing it then, as I didn't have but my credit cards on me, and really wasn't willing to take off my shoes. Wish I could've prevented them, though... it would've been nice to not have them.


morganskye March 5 2008, 17:30:41 UTC
If you do your picnic plans next time just throw in a travel-size deo and fresh socks. Your feel will thank you. ^_^


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fluffyluggage March 6 2008, 04:05:03 UTC
OMG, I haven't been to Six Flags in years upon years upon years!! I really wants to go back. It's been way too long. I just haven't even been able to think about going. It's been too expensive for us to splurge. I wish we could, tho. One year soon. If Ed gets this promotion like we're hoping, probably next year! I'll also have lost more weight, so it'll be more fun, I could go on a lot more rides!

I'm so glad you had fun. It sounds like a great adventure. That's what they say it's supposed to be! A Great American Adventure, right? Gotta run, bedtime, but again, I'm really glad you had a great time. Enjoy the rest of the season there. I'm sure it'll be great! <3 J


midknight2501 March 10 2008, 05:52:30 UTC
I'm a total wuss. I'd go, but only to ride spinny things. And the Sky Baskets.


dependonyou March 10 2008, 15:23:09 UTC
Nice teeth. ::grins:: Wuuuuuuuus. ;op


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