(no subject)

Mar 05, 2008 11:17

So, I suppose my life isn’t all that interesting, but at least I have something to write about and a desire to write, now. What does that mean for you guys? That you get to hear about my trip to Six Flags on Sunday. It was pretty darn fun. I was feeling kind of down in the dumps on Saturday evening (read: sick), and kind of spur of the moment that Joel informed me that a coworker of his had been to Six Flags, that the park had opened that very day, and that it was dead. So we decided that, so long as I felt better, we’d go to the park the next morning. Thankfully, I was feeling quite fit.

We got up early, and arrived shortly after or right when it opened. They couldn’t have opened the door more than about five minutes after we got to it. They probably opened while we were parking. We got our certificates (Mom got us annual passes for Christmas, anyone want to plan to go one day with us to Six Flags?), and our parking receipt, and went to go get our cards and to upgrade to an annual parking pass as well.

I don’t remember eating much that morning. Half of a leftover bean burrito or something for brunch to tide me over. Well, we didn’t really eat much there to begin with. Note to self: pack a lunch. Prices are insane. Like, I’m talking a slice of pizza for $8 insane. But anyway. We split a thing of fries for lunch, and almost bought dinner at the park, but decided against it because of the insane prices. Instead we just went to Papa Johns on the way home and picked up a couple pizzas. We got to eat the same thing they serve at Six Flags (yes, they have like four Papa Johns in the park), for a much better price, and with as many toppings as we liked. Plus, leftovers! XD

Anyway, I’m skipping ahead. Not that I can really go in order, since my brain is everywhere this morning and I can’t remember the park in sequential order. We went on... just about every roller coaster there was. I think we missed two: Scream Machine (because it was down when we wanted to go on it) and De Javu (sp)(because we couldn’t find it until we were about to leave the park). We also went on several of the non-rollercoaster rides, like the 100 year carousel and the sky buckets.

Joel was not feeling well, probably for the same reason I hadn’t felt well the night before, though we don’t quite know what that was. It made him feel motion sick, which he doesn’t usually get, especially not from these sorts of rides. A couple times we had to stop and let him rest, but that was the worst it manifested itself. He really kept it under wraps, and didn’t let me know about it until later in the day when we had to stop. ;-; I wish he hadn’t been feeling so poorly.

I went on Acrophobia about four times. I would’ve gone on it more, but Joel was, as I said, not in top form. He said before the motion sickness really even started hitting, that ride had made him feel queasy. ::laughs:: Soooo, I rode it four times, he rode it twice, and much fun was to be had the whole time we were there. I <3<3<3 Acrophobia. Basically it’s this tall tower with seats all around it in a ring (they say the tower is taller than the leaning tower of Pisa). Once they have everyone strapped in to the seats, the ring is lifted while this annoying woman sings pop songs with the lyrics changed, really off key. She hits a certain point, all taunting and mocking you, then BAM you’re falling from the sky. It’s amazing. XD

I had some of those candied cashew things they sometimes sell at carnivals and stuff, and some lemonade, and that’s about the last of the food we bought. We went around the shops a lot, but didn’t really see anything we liked. I bought presents for my parents, though deciding on that was really tough, and I made sure to buy them at the last moment so we didn’t have to worry about them when we went on rides. We also played some of the carnival games, though we lost spectacularly on the ring toss. We were trying to win a huge tiger (or a Wii, or an electric guitar with the Superman logo on it, depending on how well we did), so we bought a bucket of rings for $5. We didn’t even land one ring. I hate that game. Then again, those bottles are made for failure, what with the big rings they already have around their necks. Boo. >.< The only other game we really played was the ‘roller ball race’ or whatever, where you roll these ski ball like things and get either ‘slow,’ ‘fast,’ or ‘faster’ with each deciding how far your little ‘character’ moves. It was just Joel and I, because I wanted one of the prizes, and that way we knew we wouldn’t lose. Joel won, of course. So I have a bright pink gecko plush at home, now, for which I am quite happy.

Hmmm, I really don’t know what else to say. We had a blast, and it was very relaxing. I got a very mild sunburn. I don’t even think I’ll be peeling. Here’s hoping. Umm… yay, fun. So, yea, that’s about it. Superman rocks, you get to ‘fly on your stomach’ through the air. ::laughs:: I also liked Batman, though we got the privilege of taking the shortcut, and so didn’t see the full bat cave. Oh, and I hate walking so much, even though I know it’s good for me. I got THREE blisters. Boo hiss, and ow. ;-;

six flags, weekend

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