Coding / Layout Help Requested!

Aug 17, 2007 11:50

I'm hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. I want -- no, need -- to edit my LJ layout. Not the main page layout, but the layout for the page where you make the comments, see the comments, and see the individual entry. The permalink for any given entry, so to speak ( Read more... )


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Comments 21

dusktodawn August 17 2007, 16:10:50 UTC
i wish i could help, but i know nothing u_u


dependonyou August 17 2007, 17:39:37 UTC
It's the thought that counts, lovely. Thank you...


thalen August 17 2007, 16:33:19 UTC
What is it that you're trying to add?

And did you ever get the ppp stuff added? I tried and don't think I got it right...


dependonyou August 17 2007, 17:39:26 UTC
My disclosure, so that PPP will shut up and accept my post...

What PPP things are you trying to add, and to what?


ceruleanechoes August 17 2007, 17:53:29 UTC
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. You may have to do a layout change.
They've been fine with me just having disclosure in my top post, and linked from my sidebar, as long as I put the 'sponsored' thing in the bottom of all my posts...


dependonyou August 17 2007, 18:47:23 UTC
View the comments on this thread. See how the layout isn't the one you made me? That's the layout I want to change.

They're okay with what you're doing because you're putting the "This post is sponsored" at the bottom. A couple of mine have said "No in-post disclosure", which means I can't do that. The first time, I got around it by commenting with the disclosure. This time, they aren't letting me do that.

Hello Amie,

Thank you for your interest in PPP. Before we can approve any paid post we need to see disclosure. I see you are having a discussion about it in the replies...but we need to see it in regards to paid posts. Please check this link out:


P @ PPPBah. I swear. They think it's so OBVIOUS. I have a disclosure. I have what I would call a site-wide disclosure. All my friends know, quite clearly, that it is a sponsored post. There's no doubt about that. PPP's just being [censored] about ( ... )


cassandramorgan August 17 2007, 19:05:25 UTC
Did you tell them that the opp specified no in-post disclosure? If you pop a "There will be sponsored posts in this journal" in your userinfo, you should be good. That is what they consider a site-wide disclosure.


dependonyou August 17 2007, 19:22:00 UTC
I have it on my main page, and apparently they don't think that is enough. I don't know if I have it on my userinfo, but I'll definitely add it. Thanks for the fyi.


cassandramorgan August 17 2007, 19:10:02 UTC
Try setting » Disable customized comment pages for your journal to No

You can find that in Customize Journal -> Custom Options...third option down. I'm not sure what style sheet you are using but I think that should do what you want it to do.


dependonyou August 17 2007, 19:25:48 UTC
All I see there is...

Show Community Userpics
Use community userpics instead of poster's userpic
This option controls what userpic you see on your Friends page when a user posts in a shared or community journal. If you leave it unchecked, then you'll see the userpic of the person who's actually posting. If you check it, then you'll see the community's userpic.

Overrides allow you to modify individual portions of your style to make it look just the way you want it. Please note that not all style variables can be overridden.

The only HTML elements that can be used in *_HEAD overrides are lim


cassandramorgan August 17 2007, 19:34:06 UTC
Hm. You may be using S1 style then. I use S2 so I'm not familiar with how to mod S1 stuff. Sorry ;_;


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