Coding / Layout Help Requested!

Aug 17, 2007 11:50

I'm hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. I want -- no, need -- to edit my LJ layout. Not the main page layout, but the layout for the page where you make the comments, see the comments, and see the individual entry. The permalink for any given entry, so to speak ( Read more... )


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dependonyou August 17 2007, 18:47:23 UTC
View the comments on this thread. See how the layout isn't the one you made me? That's the layout I want to change.

They're okay with what you're doing because you're putting the "This post is sponsored" at the bottom. A couple of mine have said "No in-post disclosure", which means I can't do that. The first time, I got around it by commenting with the disclosure. This time, they aren't letting me do that.

Hello Amie,

Thank you for your interest in PPP. Before we can approve any paid post we need to see disclosure. I see you are having a discussion about it in the replies...but we need to see it in regards to paid posts. Please check this link out:



Bah. I swear. They think it's so OBVIOUS. I have a disclosure. I have what I would call a site-wide disclosure. All my friends know, quite clearly, that it is a sponsored post. There's no doubt about that. PPP's just being [censored] about it. I don't know how to make it so they accept this post...

They link me to their blasted ethics thing like I don't already know that crap. I meet the requirements! >.< Sorry... rant.


cassandramorgan August 17 2007, 19:05:25 UTC
Did you tell them that the opp specified no in-post disclosure? If you pop a "There will be sponsored posts in this journal" in your userinfo, you should be good. That is what they consider a site-wide disclosure.


dependonyou August 17 2007, 19:22:00 UTC
I have it on my main page, and apparently they don't think that is enough. I don't know if I have it on my userinfo, but I'll definitely add it. Thanks for the fyi.


cassandramorgan August 17 2007, 19:36:36 UTC
Yeah, you have a link to a post on your main page. But I believe the second place they look for a disclosure (if there isn't one on the post) is the userinfo. Only because I can't imagine them spending the time trying to track down a post with the disclosure in it.

I have one sentence about it in my profile on my Vox account and the only time they've harassed me for disclosure is when I forgot to put one on the post, which happens once in awhile because I get distracted way too easily ;)


dependonyou August 20 2007, 13:34:11 UTC
That's what I'm saying, hun. You don't need a site-wide disclosure if you put anything along the lines of "This post is sponsored" at the end of the post. They probably don't even know your userinfo exists, let alone know how to find it.


cassandramorgan August 20 2007, 13:38:36 UTC
As stated in the PPP code of ethics:

You can choose to adopt a site wide policy that lets your readers know that you accept sponsored posts. This policy MUST be displayed in a prominent place that is easy for your readers to locate.

They aren't stupid. They know how to find userinfo on a blog. Especially on popular blogs like LJ. They are more likely to look in the userinfo than scroll through the links on a sidebar to look for the disclosure there.


dependonyou August 20 2007, 17:44:56 UTC
See, here's where I say, yes, they are stupid. I have a sitewide disclosure. It is in a prominant place. They don't have to "scroll through the links on a sidebar". Go to my journal's main page. It's right there, on the side, plain as day, without a bit of scrolling. If it wasn't, you would be correct... but it is, so I fail to see a problem. Like I said, I'll add it to my Userinfo if it isn't already there, but that is NOT what they want, and I highly doubt they will look there.


cassandramorgan August 20 2007, 13:40:07 UTC
And, of course, I forgot to post this part in the comment >_<

You're talking about a post that requires non-disclosure IN the post. So, no, if you are posting the disclosure at the end of the post, you're good. But if the post specifically requires no disclosure in the post THEN you need the site-wide disclosure.


dependonyou August 20 2007, 17:43:33 UTC
... yes, I know. Which I have, so I still don't see where we're going with this other than in circles. ^^;


brianamj August 17 2007, 19:08:06 UTC
dependonyou August 17 2007, 19:24:37 UTC
I have a feeling I don't use S2 right now? ;-;

And yes, yay, although I haven't played it yet. The icon just won at life.


ceruleanechoes August 17 2007, 19:18:26 UTC
P @ PPP is notorious for not moderating things properly, and in my mind being somewhat condescending about things too.
I've had several ops on LJ refused by "P" but they're not actually incorrect, it's just P didn't read things properly. I've had the 'no disclosure' thing from that one, even when I've had my 'this is a sponsored post' at the bottom of my entry.

The no in-post disclosure ones I just tend to put on my domain blog which has site-wide disclosure because LJ's caused so many issues with the reviewers and things not always seeming to be familiar with how LJ works, and the fact that with LJ it tends to change the stylesheet dependent on whether you're looking at friends page, entry page etc.

I'm honestly not sure how to change anything on the post page itself...


dependonyou August 17 2007, 19:21:27 UTC
Okay good, so I'm not the only one that's getting annoyed with this P person. I've had a few issues with him/her before, and yes, he/she does sound REALLY condescending. O.O


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