Hmm, I think it's almost time to start adding more icons...

Jun 11, 2007 09:22

I need a bard icon. I really do.

I don't really have a reason for making this post, or terribly much to say. Let's see. What can I talk about here ( Read more... )

life, computer

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Comments 27

mobobocita June 11 2007, 13:56:27 UTC
Shop around on the spray, get the one that kills the most and do both Inside and Outside. BUGS ARE BAD!!!

Boo Dead computer! Um, Lappies at Dell refurbished are usually pretty cheap.

Boo bad scanner. BOO!


dependonyou June 11 2007, 14:15:34 UTC
Yes, bugs are bad. I'll have to look into that. Other than spray cans at Walmart, I don't know what to do about pest control. >.>

Yes, very bad. His video card died, actually, and to get one good enough for his needs would cost at least $300. ;-; Gunna have to tell him about Dell...

Verah bad scanner, but worse people who didn't send the right one. XD


mobobocita June 11 2007, 14:48:16 UTC
Seriously, Walmart will have all you need for this. It's frightening.

Absolute worse case?

Spray, if that doesn't work? Bug BOMB both inside and outside at the same time. *nods* It's amazing how well bombs work. :)

And Dell has a ton of refurbished desktops too. Basically it's companys who "rent" machines, turning them in when they get upgrades.



dependonyou June 11 2007, 15:09:45 UTC
I'll have to go to walmart then. XD

I'd hate to bug bomb. I mean, we haven't had the house that long, you know? Going to try everything else first... Bug bomb = can't be in the house for a while, after all... And where would we go?

Hmm, I'll have him look into it. Laptop would be best for him, as I don't want the computer desks in the livingroom, but he'll want to be on the internet while watching wrestling after I went to bed... and wrestling playing in the bedroom while I'm trying to sleep doesn't sound fun.


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dependonyou June 11 2007, 14:17:45 UTC
Home Despot? Good to know... I'll have to see if they have something a bit more environmentally friendly before I take the all-chemical assault approach... but given my near phobia of bugs, if they don't have something natural... ::arms up with rifles and stuff:: The enemy must die. XD

;-; I'm so sorry to hear about that memory of yours... that's so horrible... ;-;

I think what upset me the most was finding one that'd wormed its way inside of an empty, completely sealed bottle of water that had been laying on the carpet by the computer... and the three that had wormed their way INTO the NEVER-BEEN-OPENED package of my autographed Amy Brown fairy ornament. ;-;


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dependonyou June 11 2007, 15:11:57 UTC
Yes, they creep me out.

Eeeek, that sounds horrible! Our place with our ex roomie had GERMAN roaches... urg. I can't stand roaches... I was lucky not to have the mice problem, though. Thankfully... ::hugs:: I think I remember my parents getting those green bottles back in the day. Black hose type thing, yellow handle? XD I'll have to look into it.

... I could, if I had the faintest idea where to get started with that. XD I'd love to do both, honestly... with the non-magic just as a precaution (and faster acting solution, more than likely)...


lokechild June 11 2007, 15:08:22 UTC
those wormy thingies are nasty. They give me the creepy crawlies.

In fact I was going into the linen closet lastnight and one was hanging off the door. I shrieked and called for my Da. He just looked at me and I was hiding in my room, peering it out. yuck.


dependonyou June 11 2007, 15:10:16 UTC
Jeeze, you know it looked at you? Your wormypillar thing must've been HUGE....


lokechild June 11 2007, 15:29:08 UTC
lmfao... no my Da looked at me. *shudders at the other thought* yuck man

though just now I blew my nose and after .... I noticed there was one on my kleenex. I shrieked, considering I almost shoved the worm up my nose to blow it. *grossed out*


dependonyou June 11 2007, 15:30:21 UTC
Ewwwwwwwwwww. Always look before you use stuff. HATE those things. I hope they go away.


dianachan June 11 2007, 16:40:59 UTC
Your bug problem sounds like ours.
WE CONSTANTLY ever since the day we've moved in, had these really annoying nats in our kitchen. the kitchen is always clean, the trash has nothing in it that's bad, but they just keep comming. and then we have flies on our patio. forwatever reason I dunno. it's ANNYOING.

=/ good luck.


dependonyou June 11 2007, 16:45:15 UTC
We have those gnats in our office!!! They're the most annoying thing EVAH to have buzzing around IN YOUR FACE and (I kid you not) UP YOUR NOSE while you're trying to work. ;-;

Flies on the patio? Well, at least that's outside... bugs outside are, well, natural, ne?


dianachan June 11 2007, 18:39:56 UTC
yeah, but when I'm trying to paint, or spray paint, it's a little annoying to have a fly buzz around you, not being able to see well enough as is

and ZOMFG yes. they do that EXACT THING here in the house. even when I'm cooking! ;_; why !?


dependonyou June 11 2007, 20:39:18 UTC
Get a fly/bug zapper outside? Or those bug repellant candles?

Dunno? They're the kamikazes of the bug world?


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dependonyou June 11 2007, 17:28:45 UTC
It really is. It's not as awesome as being a secret shopper would be, but you take what you can get. I can get you the info if you like?

But the snakes don't come inside, do they?


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