So Much Time, So Little To Do -- Scratch That. Reverse It.

Jun 06, 2007 13:29

I figured maybe if I let you guys know just how much I'm up to on my non-work time, and put a list up here, it'll help me to remember to actually do these things, you know? So, want to know just how busy I am?

- Cook squash before it goes bad.
- Cook lima beans so I have some variety in my diet.
- Get window measurements for blinds!!!
- Get bed measurements for frame!!!
- Get laundry room measurements for washer and drier!!!
- Figure out how to get rust stains off of 'stainless steel' kitchen sink, or whateverthehell my sink happens to be that gets those horrid stains.
- Clean kitchen counters / teach Joel what needs to be done to clean them.
- Buy swiffer sweeper sheets.
- Sweep and mop kitchen with swiffer.
- Make room in freezer for whatever Hueli might want to cook while visiting.
- Organize cabinets to make room for dishes, etc, that parents are bringing.
- Clean livingroom and dining room (and hallway)!
- Put all craft things together, in one box, and put it in the garage.
- Vacuum or have Joel vacuum living room and dining room (and hallway).
- Figure out how to get the gum/starburst/whatever out of the carpet where it got tracked into the hall/livingroom. ;-;
- Vacuum or have Joel vacuum the stairs.
- Try to make some sort of sense of the guest room, and organize things there while condensing space.
- Vacuum or have Joel vacuum the guest room (where the floor is visible and not covered with stuff) and guest room closet.
- Sweep guest room bathroom floor with swiffer.
- Pick up / hang / put away all the clothes in the bedroom!
- Vacuum or have Joel vacuum bedroom and bedroom closet.
- Clean bathrooms (toilets, sinks, tub of master bath - guest bath touch up if applicable) while also teaching Joel what needs to be done so he can help.
- Sweep and mop bathrooms and foyer with swiffer.
- Touch up paint on walls where scuffed/whatever.
- Get car washed.
- Furniture shopping: Sofa ~$500 (Okay, so the one we want is $600)
- Furniture shopping: Dresser ~$400 (to make up for the $100 overage on the sofa) (Okay, so it's $500 after all... we tried.)
- Furniture shopping: Bedside Table (to match dresser) <$150 (The one I want is SO CUTE. And only $50-60. Not bad. Hope Gran's okay with it. The one that matches the dresser is insane. Like, $250 insane.)
- Furniture shopping: End Table (for livingroom) <$150 (We'll need to replace the handle, but that shouldn't be so bad. I just don't like the handle, but I like the table.)
- Furniture shopping: Bookcases (3) ~$150 each?
- Repair Shop SATURDAY. (Well, that was quick and painless! Phew.
- Mail: Get quote for BSSM scroll.
- Mail: Ship package to Rayma.

Bah, I know there's other stuff to do... I just can't think of it right now. ::flails!!!:: Who wants to help me clean house? ;op

Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier... Friends of mine have a performance group that attends and performs at conventions and such. They're a Sera Myu (Sailor Moon Musical) performance group, and they are AWESOME. They're currently holding a fundraiser type thing with some really sweet merchandice! Proceeds go to getting them to their next performance, since they aren't paid to perform! <3<3<3 Won't you go check it out, and maybe buy something? XD Go check it out!

life, parents

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