Sexy Voices and Silly Songs

Apr 24, 2007 10:18

Maybe it's just me, but I am in love with Tim Curry's voice. I don't quite understand what it is about his voice and how he says things, but he has such a sensual tone! You can always tell when he's smiling or grinning, too. It's so obvious just by his tone of voice. Hmm, I suppose I should stop randomly fangirling now, yes ( Read more... )


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Comments 20

lokechild April 24 2007, 14:39:07 UTC
*turns into a puddle of mush* I have an urge to watch Rocky Horror now



dependonyou April 24 2007, 15:02:01 UTC
XD Because Rocky Horror is teh awesome.


cassandramorgan April 24 2007, 14:46:00 UTC
It's not phrased poorly if you take it out of the stanza phrasing:

They [the audience of the show] don't care if it's witty or everything looks pretty. They'll simply say it's shitty and refuse. Nobody will go, sir, if it's not kosher. Then no show, sir. Even goyim won't be dim enough to choose. Put on shows that make men stare with lots of girls in underwear. You may even have the finest reviews but the audience won't care, sir. As long as you don't dare, sir, to open on Broadway if you don't have any Jews.

Obviously they have to take liberties with the English language when fitting words into a song but it's basically saying straight-up that you need Jews for the show to succeed. You can put on Hamlet with breathtaking sets and gorgeous men but if there isn't a Rosenstein in there, you'll fail.


dependonyou April 24 2007, 15:01:30 UTC
The liberties taken hurt my brain, because the sentence alone makes me pout. I mean, Joel tried to bill it off as "You can do all this stuff and the audience won't hate you, but if you dare to go on without a jew, you're screwed." Thing is, that the things they're listing are good things. Good sets, good lighting. Everything looking pretty. But it's a double negative... ... ...

And then, my brain tries to pick the words apart and condence, and it starts to make sense. >.< I suck.

Don't dare to open up if you don't have any Jews. So, Don't open up without Jews.

But then, it still grates on me, because of the sentence before it. It makes sense, and it pieces together, but dear stars how much the phrasing bothers me! ::flails::

I mean, I know what it means and what they're intending to say, but couldn't they have said it without the double negative and insanity it causes me? XD


cassandramorgan April 24 2007, 15:12:18 UTC
I'm not seeing any double negatives in it.

- the audience doesn't care if it's a "good show" or if it "looks nice"
- even the non-Jewish aren't stupid enough to go to a show without a Jew in it
- even if you have naked girls and the reviewers say it's FAHbulous, the audience still won't give a crap

Still reads pretty straight-forward to me.....

oh, and on the Tim Curry side, he does audiobook recordings too. We've listened to Abhorsen and Lirael: Daughter of the Clayr. He does really good on them. I believe he also reads the Lemony Snicket books.


dependonyou April 24 2007, 15:21:25 UTC
Okay, I give up, obviously I'm just totally moronic and can't seem to see how that's a proper phrasing. O.O 'Cuz, yea, it doesn't work for me... but you aren't the only one that told me it reads (and speaks) clearly. I guess I should just drop it...

Really? O.O I'll have to look into those, then. Mmmm, Tim Curry's voice........... Hell, just all of Tim Curry, for that matter! XD


morganskye April 24 2007, 14:46:14 UTC
Between him and Alan Rickman I'd be jelly. ^_^


dependonyou April 24 2007, 15:01:45 UTC
Mmm, yes... We need to find a way to get those two into the same movie...


morganskye April 24 2007, 16:14:55 UTC
I'd want Alan to be a smexy vampire and Tim to be a slightly looney villain. Oh, and I'd play the woman they're fighting over. lol!


dependonyou April 24 2007, 17:17:19 UTC
::gigglefits:: Is that so? Well, then, who would win you? Because I may very well play the sexy misunderstood villianess who comforts the slighted lover... or some other such insanity which means I get the boi who's left. (Who is, hopefully, Tim. XD So I have a smidge of a preference...)


mobobocita April 24 2007, 16:08:25 UTC
LOL. I love TIM! LOVELOVELOVE! I'm seeing Span-a-lot on the 13th and I'm soooo sad he won't be in it!

*grin* He's great at tones. Most actors never really learn how to control the TONE they use and he can make reading the PHONE BOOK sound dirty. *grin*


dependonyou April 24 2007, 17:18:30 UTC
Spam-A-Lot is AMAZING. I'm just sad that it wasn't Tim, too. Oh, and I'm also sad that Robin wasn't that guy from Frasier... because he's badass too.

Yes. Yesyesyes. Oh yes. I can totally see Tim Curry reading the phone book and it sounding like the most sensual, sexual, dirty naughty bad bad bad but oh so good thing in the world. XD

I want to kidnap Tim Curry and just have him talk to me...


brianamj April 24 2007, 19:32:20 UTC
*sigh* Now I know what I'm listening to on the way home. Between that and His Name Is Lancelot, it just makes me want to....



dependonyou April 24 2007, 19:48:20 UTC
::gives you the "there's nobody stopping you, so why aren't you singing" look, then grins::

Gah, yes... Lancelot... oh, and I simply adore the Lady of the Lake's attitude, songs, and lines. XD

I really can't choose a favorite song, who am I kidding? ;op


brianamj April 24 2007, 21:17:24 UTC
::gives you the "there's nobody stopping you, so why aren't you singing" look, then grins::

Well, there's this guy who keeps yelling "No more bloody singing!" ;-) I sing loudly in the car, but it's frowned upon in the grocery store.

I agree about the Lady of the Lake. Diva's Lament is great!


dependonyou April 25 2007, 13:40:30 UTC
Yea, but Lance just thwacked him upside the head, so you can sing to your heart's content. ^_~

I sing in elevators, sometimes, and going down hallways. Never really been in a singing mood in the grocery store. The car's a wonderful place for singing, though, as long as my fiancee's not there, as he doesn't care for it.

Yes, many hearts to Diva's Lament. See also, I love her costumes. <3


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