FIC: Reflections on Bleeker Street 3/5 fandom: Dark Angel (Alec/Logan, R)

Feb 26, 2015 09:13

Previous chapters: ch 1, ch 2

“Now be a good girl and shake a leg.” Alec didn’t wait for her to finish before he reached for the other stocking, his fingers gathering the material like Dani taught him so he could insert his bare leg.

He had just finished when Cindy came back, shaking her head and muttering something about men. “Alright where are we at?”

Part 3

Alec sat there watching their exchange.

Dani shrugged dismissively. “Boobs, hair, finish the make-up then dress and shoes.”

“Huh, will Tiff’s bra fit him?”

“Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem," Dani said. "Just need to figure out what size boobs.”

Surprised, Cindy asked, “Size? We have a choice?”

“On breast forms, sure do. Have ‘em laid them out on the table. Tiff likes showcasing different looks. Luckily for Alec, she’s a slob and leaves shit behind wherever she goes, especially now that she’s transitioning. Lately it’s been breast forms and bras in different sizes. So we have: B, C, D and a DD. I’m thinking a C cup would do nicely.” Dani picked up a pair of C cup forms to show Cindy. “What do you think?”

Cindy made a surprised gasp as she eyed the form in Dani’s hand then shifted her gaze to the various breast forms laid out. Raising her brow, not bothering to hide her cynicism, Cindy stated, “I’m thinking your girl Tiff is special.”

Dani chuckled, shaking her head, “Girl, you don’t know the half of it. Tiff is a world onto her own.” then she busily continued to go through the bras checking sizes and color.

Alec watched as Cindy shook her head, and said “Ah ah,” then mutter, "Batshit crazy is what the girl is, changing your bust size on a whim."

A moment later Cindy caught his gaze and immediately realized he had heard her. Slowly, she raised her hands in defense, adding louder, “Just saying.”

Confused by Cindy’s action, Dani glanced between them, instinctively knowing she had missed something. Cindy rolled her eyes. “Never mind, let’s just keep this moving along.”

“Yeah sure. Alec if you’d stand up.”

Alec complied and Dani handed him the bra in question. “Okay, to make it easy, put it around your waist, and then fasten the hooks. Slide it around so the cups are…”

Although he hadn’t worn one before, it wasn’t like he was unfamiliar with the concept. Before Dani even finished talking he had the bra hooked and twisted around in order to put his arms through the straps.

Dani chuckled, “I can see you know your way around bras.”

Alec glanced down at his chest. “In taking them off of someone else, yes.”

He had been about to slide his arms through the straps, but Dani pushed his hands away and focused on spraying the back of a breast form. “Don’t bother, we need to glue and fit these first.”

“Glue?” Alec’s voice cracked, “Can’t they just sit in the bra?”

“Sorry honey, but none of these bras are padding bras. They’d never hold up and the last thing you need is a breast falling out at an inappropriate time. That happens then you will draw all that attention you want to avoid. Now, pay attention.”

Dani handed him a breast she just sprayed with adhesive and then started to spray the back of the second beast. Once Dani finished, she switched it, taking the one Alec held. Moving the form to his chest, Dani rubbed and rotated the form over Alec’s chest then set it down as she took the other one and did the same. Without looking up he asked Cindy, “Are we sticking with that top and skirt you have hanging over there?”

She simply answered, “Yup.”

Dani nodded, “Just making sure.” her focus on Alec’s chest.

Suddenly Nikki was there, whistling her approval. “Oh look at you, Mama!” then addressed Cindy in the next breath. “Her Popi’s all set. Just need to wait for Max.”

“Good,” Cindy said.

Dani had barely paused before continuing on. “Alright sugar, for future reference, if you’re going to glue, we stick with Hollister Medical Adhesive because it’s not water-soluble. Meaning you can sweat and not worry. They’ll stay on until you use an adhesive remover that breaks down the glue. At that point you can use gentle soap and water to remove any remaining glue on your skin and on the form.”

“I sprayed the back and left almost an inch from the edges. You’ll want to rotate and rub the glue around so it gets all the way to the edges and covers the entire chest area where it’ll be positioned. A side note: what you’re wearing should decide what position you place ‘em.”

Nikki interrupted, “True nuff mama, never straight up and down - you’ll scream novice. Also it’s not a good look.”

Nodding, Dani said, “Just remember eleven and one o’clock, or sideways in a horizontal position if you’re going strapless. You’ll see why if you forget and have to change.”

Nikki must have recognized his confusion. “Mama, don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Everyone has a learning curve, and you have us. You can call us any time and we’ll introduce you around,” she said.

Dani’s head bobbed, confirming Nikki’s words even as she continued working. Together they kept talking, adding different advice and tips that Alec could conceivably apply in the future.

No one - not even he -mentioned to either of them that they didn’t need to bother giving him future advice that dressing up like this was only a onetime thing, strictly for the mission.

Once both breasts were in place, Alec swallowed and then donned the straps. Leaning over, he adjusted the cups and straightened.

The weight on his chest wasn’t overly heavy, but the impact of sensations was overwhelming. Logically Alec knew if he had just been ordinary, he’d still be consciously aware of the awkwardness of suddenly having breasts. However Alec wasn’t ordinary; he was an X5 with extraordinary senses which made him fully aware of every nuance around him including every not so subtle changes he had endured so far.

Suddenly everything hit him at once. Everything that had been familiar was gone replaced by the smooth silkiness of his hairless legs, to the odd feeling of his sacs being stuffed up inside of himself, to the emptiness between his legs. He felt disoriented. All of the new signals were throwing him off as each input made him have to think about his body in a way he never had to before.

In trying to process the new data, Alec felt himself slip away, even as he listened to the others continue on.

“What do you think, mama?”

“Nikki, grab the mirror.”

“There’s no time for that. It’d be better if we just keep moving forward.” Even as Cindy spoke she guided him to sit down.

From the moment Alec sat down, OC started in on his make-up. First, she refreshed his foundation then added what she called a bit of contouring. Next she used eye liner then eye shadows. Stepping back she surveyed her work then asked Dani and Nikki their opinion. “Too much?”

They stood in front of him, each expressing their point of view. Dani shook her head, “Not at all.”

Nikki added, “Girl, you’re fierce. A true master make-up artist.”

“True nuff. I love that I can still see a sprinkling of freckles over her cheeks; it adds a lovely, refreshing feminine look.”

They talked about him like he wasn’t sitting there in front of them. All of them, including Cindy, had even switched the gender pronoun when they were referring to him. Not that he cared-he didn’t, not after his breasts were added and he saw himself in the mirror. If he didn’t know any better he would have sworn he had a twin sister.

They continued talking on whether to add blush and paint his fingernails. Then they started to debate colors. Everything from what color lipstick, to whether or not they should use the same color Nikki had painted his toes, go al natural, or another color altogether.

For Alec it didn’t matter, and he used his training to absorb what he needed and let the rest of their chatter become nothing but white noise, allowing him to focus on what was more important to him: Logan.

He imagined what Logan would say and do once he saw Alec in full female garb. Each thought made his stomach flutter nervously. Would Logan still be interested and attracted to Alec, or would he be embarrassed? Or worse was it just curiosity? Alec couldn’t deny he was hoping it was a mix of each. Based on the number of times Logan’s face flared up. Whenever Logan did it was easy to see his embarrassment, but Alec also noticed a blatant want he saw in Logan’s eyes.

Cindy’s fingers were suddenly combing through his hair. “Alright then. Hair. I’m thinking just adding a bit of gel then scrunching to create a light natural casual wave.”

“Yes. Nothing formal, go with light and wild - it’ll match her personality. But maybe she should get dressed before you do her hair.”

“Good point.”

Nikki grabbed the skirt and squatted down. “Come on mama, stand up and step in.” She held out a black mini skirt. Once Alec stepped in, Nikki lifted the skirt up to settle nicely on his hips. Like the gaff shorts, the fabric of the skirt was a tight weave of Lycra fiber and offered a snug fit. Alec didn’t have time to think as Dani prompted him to raise his arms before she then slid the top over his head. Alec shivered in delight feeling the cool soft silk against his skin. He looked down. The light green, open v-necked blouse hung loosely at his hips. The material was almost sheer and, even without a mirror, Alec knew it accentuated his new cleavage offering a lovely view of his breasts.

Standing behind Nikki, Dani held up something in a darker emerald green. “This is going to be perfect.”

Stepping up behind Alec, Dani maneuvered the piece around his waist and tucked in the bottom of his blouse. The wide tunic belt or cummerbund covered his waist with a similar texture as the skirt, emphasizing an elongated tight sleek fit around his waist. The skirt and belt contrasted with the soft billows of silk covering his breasts. It added a demureness of class that was pure sex appeal. Alec knew it was a look that’d have him do a double-take had it been on someone else.

“Ok mama, go ahead and sit back down while we finish you up.” Nikki grabbed another chair and wheeled it over. Sitting down she opened a bottle of nail polish and took hold of his hand. Meanwhile, Cindy ran a comb through his hair a few times and then opened a tube of gel, squirted out a dab, and rubbed her hands together before massaging it into his scalp.

Cindy started grabbing a fistful of hair and scrunching, giving it a tasseled effect-at least according to Dani, who continued to give Alec the rundown, offering additional tips about what Cindy and Nikki were doing so he could do it himself, if he had a mind to. Something apparently they all believed he’d want to do.

Cindy stopped. “Good?”

Dani piped up, “It works,” but Alec heard the dissatisfaction in her voice.

Nikki tapped his hand to get his attention then said, “Honey, blow on them.” Raising Alec’s hand up to his face, indicating he needed to blow his fingernails dry. She wheeled herself to his other side and she nudged his elbow, reminding him to continue blowing on his nails. Taking his other hand, she paused, her gaze going up to inspect what Cindy had done to his hair.

Alec could see she didn’t care for it before she even shook her head in disapproval. “Mama, don’t take this the wrong way, but girl you need to let your hair grow out. First, it’ll cover that ugly barcode better than the make-up. Or invest in a good wig.” Looking down at his nails Nikki focused on painting the nails of the hand she was holding. Yet she kept talking, “Now it’ll cost a fortune but let me tell you honey, it’s worth it. Besides with more hair you get to play and enjoy more styles and different looks.”

Irritated, Cindy spoke. “Pft, of course. And that’s why neither of you brought a wig with long locks to share with my girl’s boy. Alec honey, don’t listen to a queen who’s green. Trust me you look great. You even make OC turn her head…”

Defensively Nikki spat out, “I didn’t say she wasn’t hot.” Then she leaned in. “Girl you’re sizzling! I’m just saying you’d be hotter with longer hair.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’re done. Now go get her shoes. Boo will be back any minute.” Taking the chair Nikki vacated, Cindy sat down and wheeled the chair in closer. “I’m going to line and fill in your lips. Stretch your bottom lip, then the top, like this....” she briefly demonstrated what she wanted. “And hold it.”

Alec mimicked the pose. Once she finished applying the liner, she filled his lips in with the liner stick then added lipstick. Holding the wand for mascara she directed him again. “Good, now open your eyes look up then down. Not that you need much with those ridiculously long lashes.” Using a practiced hand Cindy swept the wand up over his upper and lower lashes.

Slowly Cindy leaned back, inspecting her handiwork then wheeled herself out of the way as Nikki and Dani took over. They knelt down, each holding a couple of pairs of shoes. Sliding his foot in the first shoe, Dani called out, “And we have a winner, Cinderella!”

Alec looked down to see they were fitting him in a pair of open toed sandals. They were black with a wide ankle strap. The heel added a good two inches and was thick with a square wedge. Without them telling him, Alec already could see they were shoes he could actually stand and walk in - once he got his balance.

Before he knew it, they were done and stood up, backing away.

As a group, they openly stared at him. He was their project, the result of their handiwork. And they seemed to admire what they saw.

Abruptly, Dani offered to help him up.

Accepting her assistance, Alec took Dani’s hand and stood.

Once he was standing, Dani let go. “Feel it honey. Find your center.”

Alec wanted to curse when he wobbled, and he then reached out to grip the back of the chair in order to steady himself. Damn it, he was an X5, this shouldn’t be a problem. Frustrated, Alec inhaled and tried to settle his nerves, but his entire body felt off center - as if it wasn’t his body. Everything was making him feel even more awkward.

In an almost whispered tone, with a hint of awe Cindy spoke. “Huh, I told Boo before that you were pretty, but now… Seriously baby girl, you’re breathtaking.”

Alec’s head snapped up about to tell her to fuck off, but Nikki distracted him as she started to giggle and applaud. “We did it! You are gorgeous mama. It’s eighty percent you, twenty percent us.” Then she winked, clapping while she bounced in excitement.

A bit more subdue, Dani nodded and stated, “I’ll say.” Her eyes traveled almost absently up and down Alec’s body, before she met his eyes, and hers twinkled in mischief.


kink: crossdressing, genre: slash, kink, pairings: alec/logan, challenge: darkangel_bb, fandom: da, genre: au

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