FIC: Reflections on Bleeker Street 1/5 fandom: Dark Angel (Alec/Logan, R)

Feb 26, 2015 09:07


Part 1

Alec watched, hugging the wall as he peeked around the corner, as Max walked over to make contact. It was when Max reached the middle of the street, a memory of something started niggling at the back of his head. Whether it was the street, Bleeker, or the club, Reflections, Alec couldn’t put his finger on, but there was something familiar about one or both. He’d never been here; he would have remembered that, but there was something. Alec watched warily, as Max reached the door and started to chat with the doorman for only a couple minutes when abruptly she turned around and started to walk back. Alec’s initial worry turned to confusion when Max uncharacteristically tossed a backward glance toward the bouncer and waved. Turning back around, Alec saw Max was smiling almost gleefully as she crossed the street toward Alec and Logan. Confused, Alec whispered under his breath, “What the hell?”

From his position, behind Alec, Logan had missed Max’s exchange with the doorman. Curious, Logan asked, “What’s going on? She having any trouble getting inside?”

“No, she’s on her way back.”

“What? But she needs to get inside.”

Alec shrugged. Like Logan he could only wait for Max to reach the alley where they stood, hidden in the shadows, before they got any answers.

Once Max stepped into the alley, she pushed them further back. “It’s not going to work. The club’s restricted." She hesitated a moment before she stated, with a pointed stare, “No women.”

“What?” They stared at her with obvious confusion. Each of them jockeyed positions in order to see around the corner as another taxicab pulled up. The driver got out to open the door for a male passenger who exited then held his hand out to his companion, a woman.

That’s when it hit Alec: he had heard of the club from Biggs. Biggs had gone a few times and wanted Alec to go with him the next time. Biggs had stated it was the kind of club Lola would have loved. He didn’t elaborate on anything else but only said that he wanted Alec to have more of a hands-on experience. That “experience” never happened since Biggs died a few days later, and until now he had completely forgotten about it.

Beside him Logan said, “I don’t get it.” Then he asked, “Are you saying no single or unattached women?”

“No. I mean no women. The club caters to a specific clientele.”

Alec’s mouth dropped, and he blinked in confusion as he looked again at the couple. “You mean…” he said, then silently cursed Biggs.

Amused, Max replied, “Yup, she’s a man.”

Logan swore. His biggest worry was their rendezvous. “Max we can’t postpone. I have no way of reaching our contact to reschedule a meet. We need this -”

“I know. We have to make contact tonight. But if we’re not going to make a scene then you two will just have go instead and pose as a couple.”

Alec’s head snapped around at Max’s suggestion. A moment later his gaze met Logan’s and he froze. Alec’s first thought was Logan wasn’t Biggs' kind of pretty, but… already his mind was supplying images of Logan dressed as a woman. He almost snorted at the picture he had concocted: spiky hair, a light splattering of make-up highlighting cheekbones, to the long lashes that’d bat behind Logan’s wire frames to magnify his green iris. Pleased with the picture Alec shifted his gaze down Logan’s body trying to decide: a skirt and top, or maybe a dress? Ultimately it didn’t matter as long the color captured Logan’s eyes. Alec’s mind came to a screeching halt when he finally registered what Max was saying to Logan.

“You’re right, and although Alec could probably squeeze into this outfit, there’s no doubt he’ll draw too much of the wrong attention.” Max frowned as she studied Alec’s worn sneakers. “Besides did you notice the women going in? Their dress was classy chic. Obviously this club is trying to be more upscale than Seattle’s typical fetish clubs. If we hurry - with a little help I think there’s a way. I’ll call Cindy to meet us back at my place; if we have any luck and they’re available, she has a couple of girlfriends that can help us. There we’ll come up with the right outfit and have just enough time to really pretty Alec up.”

“Wait, what? Me? What about Logan?”

Before Max could answer, Logan snorted like Alec had said something funny then said in a matter-of-fact-tone, “Even without make-up, you’re prettier.” Alec didn’t bother to hide his irritation at what Logan just said and menacingly stared him down. He felt only slightly appeased when Logan flushed and nervously turned away.

“Alec, please. You’re the soldier, trained to adapt to every situation. Logan’s not.”

Alec snapped out. “Yeah well I can tell you for certain Manticore didn’t have any classes for dressing in drag.” He almost added that he wasn’t Biggs, but stopped himself in time. Max didn’t need to know any of the intimate details of his relationship with Biggs.

Max reached out and grabbed his jacket in a tight fist. “Come on let’s go…” she said, and she started pulling him toward Logan’s car. “We don’t have much time. We have to get you dolled up and back inside if we’re going to make the meet.” With her other hand, Max pulled out her cell, blatantly ignoring the pitiful sounds of protest that had escaped Alec's throat.

When he got no reaction from Max, he twisted around in hopes that he could appeal to Logan’s sensibility. Despite Alec’s pleading, Logan didn’t respond and apparently nothing Alec said could change that glint of interest in Logan’s eyes at the idea that Alec would be the one in drag. At first Alec thought Logan was at least listening, but in a brief pause Alec noticed Logan’s eyes roaming in a not-so-indiscreet fashion over Alec’s body. At Logan’s lingering looks, Alec consider that perhaps Logan’s apparent curiosity wasn’t about making fun of him, although even as the option occurred to him, Alec quickly dismissed it.

Although he felt defeated, when Alec caught Logan’s wandering eyes, he sent him an accusatory glare. Chastened, Logan ducked his head, looking away.

Alec easily caught the flush decorating Logan’s cheeks. Reflected in Logan’s eyes was obvious embarrassment yet what most surprised Alec was Logan’s genuine interest to see Alec dolled up. Alec was stunned by Logan’s response but was even more stunned by his own feelings of pleasure that bubbled to the surface. Confused, Alec stumbled and bumped into Max who pocketed her cell and demanded he pay attention.

Alec turned forward only to feel Logan’s gaze drilling a hole into his lower back. Thankful for the cover of darkness, Alec felt his face flare with heat at the thought of what exactly Logan might be picturing.


Cindy met them in front of Max’s place with two women at her side: two beautiful but very tall and, on closer inspection, muscular women. Inside, under brighter lights, Alec did a double-take when he realized the women were actually men. Alec couldn’t take his eyes off of them even when he heard Max and Cindy discussing whatever garments Cindy was holding.

“I brought a few choices," Cindy said. "Most are from Nikki’s ex. She and your boy have a similar build. I also grabbed a few of Mandy’s. Now this might read 'ho,' but I think your boy would class it up. A mini with the right overall look can still be subtle, add in those long legs and his eyes. Boy will snap, crackle, and pop in fierceness.”

Max nodded. “You have a point," she agreed. “Skirt and top it is.”

Shaking his head, as if to dismiss the notion of him dressed in any kind of skirt that wasn’t a kilt, Alec cleared his throat. His mind rapidly supplied him with a new plan, a plan where he didn’t have to dress up but rather where he and Logan would go in with each of the newcomers on their arm.

Both men - women-were dressed casually. The taller one had to be at least six three or four, with gorgeous dark mahogany skin. She wore a wig of long, equally dark tresses that were pulled up into a high ponytail that gently swung back and forth. She was broad in the shoulders, proportionate to her height. Her chest, Alec would bet, was probably a D, or possibly a DD cup; even though she tried to play down her size by wearing a baggy plaid flannel shirt over black leggings and a pair of black flats.

Standing much shorter, probably five six or five five, the other woman had ashy brown hair cut into a sleek bob that swayed about as she moved. She was dressed in faded jeans, sneakers, and a clingy sweater with a deep V at the neck to clearly showcase her size. Although both of their looks were laid-back, with their make-up, fingernails, and jewelry, each created a unique style fit to be seen between the pages of any current magazine. It was obvious their looks were too casual for the club, but with a little polish and refinement, both women could easily access the club without question.

Smirking, Alec calculated the various probabilities of his plan before he blew Max’s plan out of the water. He was on the verge of interrupting them when his eyes shifted to Logan who was staring at the outfit Cindy was holding up. If Alec didn’t already know, by the look on Logan’s face, that he was visualizing Alec in the outfit, it was confirmed when Logan tried to casually glance Alec’s way. Their eyes locked. Logan gulped and the earlier flush deepened to a lovely rose color. However it was Logan's awkward move to hide behind the couch that alerted Alec to the unmistakable evidence of Logan’s excitement. It stunned Alec into silence and he somehow neglected to mention his plan.

Then Cindy piped up. “Alright then, now that’s settled. Time's a-wasting”. Alec stood there, dazed, with his eyes on Logan until the group collectively ushered him into the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, Alec was surrounded. Twirled and prodded, as hands pushed and grabbed material, Alec was effectively stripped until he stood there naked. Then they shoved him in the shower. The taller of the two men pushed him under the showerhead, handed him a bar of soap, and curtly told him to lather up and shave under his arms.

Shocked Alec sputtered when the cold water hit his body and threw out expletives as he started to protest.

“What, no…”

Max quickly whipped her head around. “Stop it! We don’t have time to do an extreme make-over or a classy glam outfit that’d fit you right. So we need to make do.” Exasperated she exhaled then continued more calmly. “Maybe you didn’t get a glimpse of the outfits under their cloaks, but I did. Those women were wearing less then what I have on; showing off a lot more skin. Even as close as I was, it took me a minute to realize all of them were men.”

He wanted to protest, but it was difficult to argue the point because he knew she was right. Although he didn’t exactly see their outfits, even from a distance he had been surprised that they were actually men.

“Remember, it's only hair. It’ll grow back.” Max added, almost as an afterthought. Then louder, drawing his attention, Max said, “We don’t have time for niceties. Now shave before I do it for you.”

The order appealed to his inner soldier enough that he responded.

Once he finished the task, Max forced him down until his ass met the cold surface of the tub.

The larger woman behind Max offered Alec a small apologetic smile. “Don’t worry sweetheart, Max is more bark than bite," she said. "Trust me; you’re in good hands, Nikki and I'll take care of you.”

“Too true mama, too true,” Nikki added with a bit of flare, her accent and inflection heavy.

Alec heard Max humph but otherwise Max made no other comment.

“By the way, I’m Dani and that’s Nikki, spelled with an I if you get my drift.”

Alec nodded, realizing it wasn’t just their dress: they both identified as female.

Max threw a hand towel over Alec’s groin and shut off the shower. Reaching out for his right leg, she lifted it and, using the leg as leverage, manipulated Alec into a turn. Without missing a beat she introduced him. “The modest one here is Alec. Now Alec, give Dani your left leg.”

With an ease that belied her size, Dani sat down on the edge of the tub while Max stood up - each had a hold of a leg, spreading him wide. Dani placed a jar between them. Dani’s fingers dug out a thick gritty oily substance from the jar and she busily spread the stuff over and up Alec’s leg. Max quickly followed suit, and both covered him from calf to thigh with the stuff before they started to shave him.

Alec had forgotten Nikki until he felt her take hold of his foot. He couldn’t see exactly what she was doing since Dani’s body blocked his view, but by the way she angled his foot he gathered she was giving him some sort of pedicure.

Suddenly he was thrown into blackness as a hot towel covered his face. When he removed the towel, he saw Cindy standing over him in the tub with each foot snug beside his hip. Without hesitating she crouched down low enough to lather his face with shaving cream. He spotted the gleam of metal and was about to bolt when Max ordered, “Stay still.”

Cindy huffed, “Best be doing what she said. Don’t want to accidentally nick that pretty face.” With confidence she angled his head back and held the razor poised under his chin. Belying her earlier movements, Cindy was gentle as the razor swept deftly over his skin removing any shadow of growth. Once his face was deemed satisfactory, she replaced the towel to once again steam clean his face and remove any traces of the shaving cream.

The speed and efficiency with which the women moved stunned him. Before he knew it, both legs were completely shaved. Max checked her handiwork and ran her hands over smooth skin. Abruptly she hauled him up, manhandling his body even as she turned him around. Then she ordered him to brace his hands against the bathroom wall as she pulled his hips back. Alec gulp in nervous excitement at his new stance - slightly bent over at the waist, a position that left him open and easily accessible if one wanted to take advantage and fuck him.

Alec felt the now familiar coolness of the shaving cream hit his skin. At first Alec thought Max was going to shave the back side were they couldn’t reach before, but Max’s fingers went higher as they spread the shaving cream. Then Max slapped her hand between his thighs, ordering. “Open up more, you need to be smooth everywhere.”

The word everywhere conjured up an image of what Max must intend. Her fingers moved deftly as she focused on the task. Alec swallowed, and he squeezed his eyes to forcibly dismiss the image only to have it change when he saw Logan had materialized and was watching intently as Max removed any remaining hair. Licking his lips, Alec choked out the word “everywhere…” that was drowned out by the rush of water that only another X5 would pick up on what he said.

Unmindful of Alec’s reaction, Max continued to smooth the shaving cream up to the intimate junction of his legs. “If we had the time, I would, but this will have to do.”

Thankful he had been facing the wall, Alec fought and lost as his face flamed with embarrassment, feeling Max’s fingers push his thighs further apart. Her hand was steady as the razor raked over his sensitive skin, her breath sending shivers of pleasure down his spine to pool and stir his groin.

His relief didn’t last as Max grabbed the shower head and turned on the water. However this time she adjusted the temp and was decidedly gentler when she turned him around, hosing him down as she did. Neither Max nor anyone else in the room made a comment or even a hint of ridicule when they saw he was aroused.

Apparently satisfied, Max ushered him out of the tub, toweled him dry, and then directed him to sit down on the stool Cindy provided. Suddenly, strong hands slicked with oil massaged and slithered up and down Alec’s leg. Once each leg with slathered and rubbed to a fine finish, Nikki patted his calf and declared that ‘she’ was “nick-free perfect" and for thigh stockings and garters.

Startled Alec looked down at Nikki about to give his two cents that he wasn’t a she, but then he did a double take. Alec’s mouth dropped, as he noticed for the first time that his toes were painted, red.

“It’s Zoya’s Kimber Red, one of my favorites. Great color, right?”

Alec didn’t get to answer Nikki as lips brushed his ear and Max ordered, “Don’t think. Now close your eyes, Cindy’s going to do her magic.”

Behind him Alec could hear Max with Dani and Nikki, discussing the possible undergarments he could wear. Dani asked, “How much attention do you want him to have?”

Max answered, “Enough to blend in but not to the exclusion of everyone else.”

“Trust me, he’s going to get noticed no matter what we do, but yeah we can tone it down.”

Then Nikki asked, “Is she going in with the guy in the other room?”

“Yeah Logan, why?” Max asked.

Though Alec did hear the weariness in Max’s tone, but must have been reflected on her face as Nikki replied almost defensively. “Nothing mama, he does look a little under dressed. Are we getting him ready to?”

Worriedly Max exclaimed, “Shit I didn’t think about Logan’s outfit.”

Dani replied, “He’ll definitely need something appropriate if you really want them to blend in.”

“Don’t worry about it Boo. Logan’s place isn’t far, right? You go and get an outfit. I’ll finish Alec’s make-up while Dani and Nikki get Logan cleaned up.”

“We have a short window; they’ll have to be inside in just over an hour…”

“Get going then, we’ll be ready.”

Alec didn’t hear Max’s response. Instead he heard the door open just before he was grabbed and ushered into the living room by Cindy. Pushing past him was Dani and Nikki as they made a beeline toward Logan. Alec didn’t bother to hide the smirk that slid across his face at the sight of Logan’s bafflement at being manhandled. Then Alec's smirk faltered when he saw Logan’s mouth drop open, as the other man’s eyes wandered and took in every inch of Alec’s exposed body. He hadn’t remembered that he was still naked until their eyes locked.

It was only seconds before they pulled Logan away, leaving Alec with new sensations that engulfed and rolled through his stomach: first anticipation and fear before excitement pushed them away to settle comfortably in his groin. Shocked by the response, Alec numbly sat down right where Cindy directed him and she started to apply a cream over his face.


kink: crossdressing, genre: slash, kink, pairings: alec/logan, challenge: darkangel_bb, fandom: da, genre: au

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