Dreadverse, Perceptor's and Kia's home, Meeting part of the family...

Apr 11, 2009 20:45

Kriti: *currently working out how to climb out of the crib so she can explore her new quarters*

Perceptor:  *opens door and comes in*  Well, now, Miss Kriti.  Are you ready for some unstructured bonding and developement time?

Kriti: *Curious chirp, puzzled by what Perceptor means*

Perceptor:  *offers her his hands, indicating he'd like to pick her up, if she's willing*

Kriti: *Glee! moves so she's closer to Perceptor, holds out her arms to get picked up*

Perceptor:  *lifts her gently and holds her close to his chest*  Shall I bring any of your toys?

Kriti: *headshake, will more than likely find her own amusement in the form of climbing all over whoever's willing to be used as a sparklet jungle gym*

Perceptor:  Very well.  Then let us proceed.  ^_^  *carries her out to the living room and then proceeds to lay on the floor and let her do what she will*

Kriti: *Glee as she begins gently poking and prodding different parts of Perceptor, clicking and chirping inquisitively. She's semi-familiar with the differing tech, but is still curious about the differences between her tech and Perceptor's*

Perceptor:  *fascenated*  What has caught your interest, Miss?  The colour?

Kriti: *chirp* diff'rent...*points to herself, then at Perceptor* Diff'rent...

Perceptor:  Ahhh, it's the variation in construction style that's attracted your attention?

Kriti: *headtilt, working out what Perceptor means, nod*

Perceptor:  It's primarily cosmetic.  Though there are a few functional differences as well.  *is trying to simplify, really!*

Kriti: *chirps, gently taps Perceptor's arm* Like Mama-Bee's...*points to self* Like home 'bots...

Perceptor:  Indeed!  *pleased smile*

Kriti: Lotsa diff'rent in th' big place...

Perceptor:  The big place?

Kriti: *nod* sign place....is biiiig...

Perceptor:  Ahh, do you mean the interdemensional place known simply as 'the Nexus'?

Kriti: *nod nod* Followed Uncle 'Hide once an' watched him clobber some mechs...

Perceptor:  Yes.  It is my understanding that Ironhide is most adpt at such activities.

Kriti: *sad look* They made Waltz-sissy fall in s'me water 'n later she hadda newspark...

Kriti: *is missing the family she had*

Perceptor:  *gently rubs the tiny femme's back with one finger*  The youngster who went missing.

Kriti: *nod nod*

Perceptor:  *starts to reply but then pauses and looks around quizzically as something cuts off the sunlight*

Two:  Murrr?

Perceptor:  Oh... hello, Dreadnought.  So nice of you to come.

Kriti: *puzzled chirrup*

Perceptor:  Kriti, I would like you to meet Two, who is a drone componant of that large mech that you see looming over us.

Dreadnought:  Funny, Perceptor.  Hey, Kriti, remember me?

Kriti: *tilts head back to look up(and up and up) at the big mech, before tilting her head and smiling* Mama-Bee's friend!

Dreadnought:  *rumbles a chuckle as he hunkers down*  Yeah.  How ya doin', kid?

Bronx:  *in the background, just got Two pwned*  *grunts and falls over*

Kriti: *grins and excited clicking as she tells Dreadnought about all the neat things she saw, meeting Kia, and all the nice things available to eat, before her attention goes to Bronx, and she tilts her head, a small frown crossing her faceplates*

Bronx:  *being kitty kissed and stoicly trying to dissuade Two from doing so*

Dreadnought:  *looks at the frown, then looks over toward the other two*  Two, quit.  You're scarin' the kid.

Two:  *looks up*  Murrr?

Kriti: *moves away from Perceptor, toddling over to Bronx and Two*

Two:  *ooooo!  Baby!  Will snuff at!*

Bronx:  *sits up and watches Kriti curiously*

Perceptor:  *does the same*

Dreadnought:  *reminding his drone to be careful*

Kriti: *squeaks at being snuffed at, but moves close enough to Bronx to get in close to his faceplates, chirping and headtilting, before her features light up with delight* Waltz-Sissy's!

Dreadnought:  *frowns slightly and scans the orange mech*

Bronx:  No, I'm Bronx.  *offers her his hand*

Kriti: *pokes Bronx's hand gently* Waltz-Sissy's newspark. *said firmly and with certainty*

Bronx: ...What about it?

Dreadnought:  Well slag....

Perceptor:  *looks up at the taller mech quizzically*

Dreadnought:  *transmits his findings and the part of the story about the teleporting newspark that he knows*

Perceptor:  *starts and blinks, then scans Bronx himself*  My word....

Dreadnought:  Nothin' we can do now.  The way's shut.

Perceptor:  *blinks again*  What a pity.  But if it should ever reopen we'll be able to ease the fears of the young femme in question.

Bronx:  *picks Kriti up and holds her close, still frowning down at her curiously*

Kriti: *Frown, doesn't get why Bronx doesn't get what she's talking about, reaches to poke him in the chestplating* Is from Waltz-sissy's spark.

Bronx:  *looks at Dreadnought and Perceptor for a translation*

Dreadnought:  You know you gotta built in teleporter, kid?

Bronx:  *perks*  I do?

Kriti: *quietly* Waltz-sissy's newspark got put in his shell an' went bye-bye...Waltz-sissy an' MamaBee an' Papa-Jazz were sad...

Perceptor:  Yes, you do.  A quite sophisticated one that's well capable of leaping great distances and, apparently, across time.

Bronx:  *boggles*

Kriti: *chirr*

Bronx:  Wait wait... mamaBee?  papaJazz?

Dreadnought:  *rumbles bemused amusement*  Yeah... another version of my old man is your granddad.

Kriti: *points to self* Sissy to Waltz-Sissy, Honey-Sissy, Rap, 'n Scatcat...

Bronx:  *boggles again*  You mean I'm related to Rap??

Dreadnought:  Yup.  'N to Bumble.

Dreadnought:  And Sureshot.

Bronx:  0_0

Kriti: *headtilt, puzzled chirp* ?

Bronx:  Wow.  Cool.  Divebomb's gonna glitch.

Kriti: *getting really confused now*

Dreadnought:  *slaps him gently in the back of the head*  *clank!*

Dreadnought:  *gently pulls bittyBumble out of her compartment as she wakes up and bangs on the padded door, then puts her down where Kriti will be able to see her*

Kriti: *curious chirrup, leans closer*

Dreadnought:  This is Bumblebee for this reality.

bittyBee:  0_0  *bittybot radar tingling!*

Kriti: *headtilt* Is little...

bittyBee:  Thhrrrpt.

Dreadnought:  Yeah, but there's somebody made from her, and his name is Sureshot.  So he's Bronx's uncle.

Kriti: *headtilt, razzes bittyBee*

bittyBee:  *ohhhh you didn't just challenge the queen bitty!  Posturing and making signs that Perceptor objects to*

Kriti: *Deedlebeeps, razzes bittyBee again*

Dreadnought:  *puts his other hand on top of his tiny sister*  And my... dad... is Jazz.

Kriti: *Wiggles and indicates that she wants down now, plz*

Bronx:  *sets her down without thinking, his mind full of this new data.  And of the fact that Perceptor is telescoping at him and kind of creeping him out*

Kriti: *chirr, moves closer to Dreadnought and bittyBee*

Dreadnought: *suddenly trying to grab a bitty sister without squishing her*

bittyBee:  *zips over there and takes a good solid swing at Kriti*

Kriti: *Startled, reacts by going in swinging with both fists*

Dreadnought:  *pauses and grabs Perceptor so that the mech can't seperate the two*  No.  Let 'em work it out.

Perceptor:  *trying to pull free*  They're tiny, frail beings!  Not Decepticon war machines!

bittyBee:  *wham!*

Kriti: *pained squeal, reacts by latching onto whatever bittyBee limb is closest and biting*

bittyBee:  *squeal!*  *hit!*  *CRY! and hit some more*

Bronx:  *wincing*

Perceptor:  *having a fit*

Kia:  *coming to find the source of the Percy fit*

Kriti: *smack smack smack, lets go of the limb she's biting, more smacking*

bittyBee:  *both little fists flailing!*  >:\

Dreadnought:  *watching them with a frown*

Kia:  *wants to stop it, gets Two'd*

Kia:  *Objects!*

Kriti: *trying to fend bittyBee off with one hand, swings for one more smack, claws that she didn't even know she had come out and might accidentally scratch*

*and then both little femmes are crying and hugging one another, the one apologizing softly for the scratch, and the other offering wordless kissies to make the dents all better*

Dreadnought:  There.  *lets Perceptor go and tells Two to lay off Kia*

Kia:  *scoops up both bitties, since they're holding onto one another, checking for damage and clicking softly*

Kriti: *hiccupping quietly, feels bad for scratching, snuggles bittyBee*

bittyBee:  *kissies and hugs and patpats*

Dreadnought:  *rumbles*  If you'd kept them from fighting we would have had to keep them seperate till they finally managed to get past us and work it out.  But now  Bumblebee knows she can't bully Kriti.  And Kriti knows that Bumble can't bully her.

Perceptor:  *starts to bring up the risk, but then blinks and sighs*  You're right.  Still, it seems so barbaric.

Kriti: *wibbling, giving Kia and Perceptor an apologetic look. Didn't mean to scratch, didn't mean to hurt Bumblebee*

Kia:  *clicks and murmurs to her softly*  Shhh, I know, little one.  We aren't angry.

Kriti: *quiet click, leans against Kia a bit more*

bittyBee:  *cuddles and gives a little beep and some clicks of her own, then gets her thumb in her mouth however she does it and half closes her optics*

Perceptor:  *distracted by what the tiny femmes are doing*  Bumblebee is displaying clinging and self comforting behaviors that are typical to infant human beings.

Bronx:  *sitting and frowning as he thinks of what he just learned*

Kriti: *soft chirr, gentle cuddles for bittyBee and Kia, being mindful of her newly-discovered claws, clicks a little more*

Perceptor:  And Kriti is responding in kind....  *trails off and takes one of the little blue femme's tiny hands between his fingers to look at it more closely*

Dreadnought:  *just watching, though he's jealous of Kia having all the babies*

Kriti: *puzzled chirr, doesn't know much about the claws personally...* ...Desi had claws...*quietly*

Perceptor:  *softly, as he scans them*  Can you fold them away?

Kriti: *headtilt, glossa out as she tries to make the claws retract, startled noise as she succeeds* !

Perceptor:  *small sound of delight, which is echoed by Kia*  Oh very good, Miss Kriti.  Very good indeed.  *turns his attention to bittyBee's scratch*

bittyBee:  *growls at him around her thumb*

Dreadnought:  *wonders where she picked that up.  Blames Kup.*

Kriti: *blink blink, clicking*

bittyBee:  *looks at her new friend and clicks back quietly*

Kia:  *softly to both little ones*  Are you hungry?

Kriti: *soft chirr, reaches to gently pat pat bittyBee, before nodding*

bittyBee:  *nod nod and snuggles Kriti*

Perceptor:  *gets to his feet, and then remembers his manners and offers Dreadnought and Bronx refreshment, since he'll be having it out for the little ones*

Dreadnought:  *shakes head*

Bronx:  Huh?  Oh, no thanks, I'm full.

Kriti: *happy clicks as she snuggles with bittyBee, before looking at Bronx and chirping*

Bronx:  *looks at her as Perceptor leaves the room*  What?

Kriti: *reaching for the mech, clicking and chirping, intends to teach bittyBee a new joke*

Bronx:  *wondering.  Offers her his hand as Kia lowers the sides of her own hands a little so that he can reach the sparklet more easily*

Kriti: *grabs onto Bronx's hand, tugs on it indicating that she wants him closer* :3

Bronx:  *frowns and leans down, wondering why Dreadnought just snickered*

Kriti: *Clicking and chirping to bittyBee, watch this! Reaches up, pokes Bronx on the nose, and beeps, before giggling*

Bronx:  *goes cross-eyed!*  Huh?

Dreadnought:  *snerk*

bittyBee:  *blinks, then makes beep sound*

Kia:  *laughs at that*

Kriti: *Giggles*

Perceptor:  *back with two sippy cups of the pale energon, offers one to each tiny femme*  I think you'll like this, Bumblebee, Kriti is most fond of it....

bittyBee:  *sippy cup!  DUUUUDE.  Grab, slurrp*  ^_^

Kriti: *happy noises as she holds onto her sippy cup and drinks* ^^

Dreadnought:  ....  *wants baby.  Squishes Two*

bittyBee:  *drink drink drink snuggle drink... heavy optic shutters....*

Bronx:  *has sat up and is absently rubbing nose*

Kriti: *happy sips, mixed with clicking and wiggling, before she, too, starts to nod off*

Kia:  *gently seperates the little ones and offers bittyBee to Dreadnought, who takes her carefully and cradles her in one hand*

Perceptor:  *watching both little femmes and taking notes*

Kriti: *still holding sippy cup in one hand, snuggling against Kia*

Perceptor:  *and then remembers that this is designated Kriti directed close contact time.  Accordingly, he moves closer and goes to his knees to hold Kia and Kriti close*

Dreadnought:  *gently puts bittyBee away in her compartment*  That's not how you do it.  Lay down with her between you.

Kia:  *looks up*  How do you know this?

Dreadnought:  That's what Optimus 'n Elita do with Bit.

Perceptor:  Ahhh.

Kriti: *sleepy blink blink*

Dreadnought:  *chuckles and raps Bronx in the back of the head, then gets to his feet*  I'll send the cup back when she's done.

Perceptor:  *distracted by family*  Oh, no hurry.  We have several.

Dreadnought:  *just rumbles and walks out of the room, Bronx a thoughtful orange shadow as he goes*

Kriti: *yawn, sleepy wave at Dreadnought and Bronx, before snuggling against the closest adult*

Perceptor and Kia:  *go over to the corner, where a soft pad lays next to a toy bin.  Both scientists carefully arrange themselves on this so that their bodies form a comforting nest that echoes with spark song*

Perceptor:  *softly*  There, I think this is what he meant....  *watches Kriti for her reaction*

Kriti: *soft chirr, happy bitlet, powers down to recharge with a small smile on her faceplate*

Perceptor and Kia:  *get hit by sleeping baby magic and find themselves following her example*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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