Scattersverse, Station Tau, Attack

Apr 11, 2009 23:00

Rundown:  *falls right over the mezzinine railing as the space station shakes*

TM: Whoah! *reaching to try to grab Rundown's hand, or possibly his foot, before the younger mech can fall too far*

Rundown:  *lands on the floor*  Oof!  Frag slagging pit spawned glitch sucking....

TM: *trying not to snicker at Rundown's colorful language* You okay?

Rundown:  *back on feet*  I'm fine.  *braces legs and curses more as the station rocks again*

Chromia: *running past, with Firestar close behind, cursing up a storm* We're under attack!

Rundown:  No shoot, Sherlock!

TM: ...*CURSING to rival Chromia, jumps down to the same level as Rundown* &^$#&^%&^%^%$#

Rundown:  Do we need to evacuate the civilians?  *thinking of that little bot that lives here and steals TM's helmet*

Moonracer:  *hurries up, one hand clutching Starburst's bag*

TM: We might have to....*frowns as he notices what Moonracer's holding, but doesn't really have time to comment, as Chromia and Firestar report the location of the hull breach, as well as the number of mechs in the group* Fraaag....*Relays the information, or at least what Chromia thinks she saw, which is a group of four 'Cons surrounding a smaller, unidentifiable bot*

Rundown and Moonracer:  *awaiting orders*

Starburst:  *crying softly with tiny clicks*

station:  *shakes again.  Someone's still out there shooting*

TM: *grimace, stern expression* Moonracer, I know this sounds like me being a stubborn-aft mech, but I need you to start evacuating the civilians, and to stay with them so they don't panic. Something tells me we're going to need a bit of muscle, so Rundown, you're with me...

Chromia: *Can be heard cursing and generally raising Pit, even amongst the Decepticons and their cursing and shooting*

Moonracer:  *actually acknowledges that Torque exists, giving him a look full of concern... and something else.  Then she's gone, racing to obey his order*

Rundown:  *at his mentor's side, sidearm in hand*

TM: *sigh, quietly prays for Moonracer's, Starburst's, and the civilians' safety, before drawing his own weapon* C'mon. Let's send those fraggers back to the sludge pit they crawled out of. *Stern, hurries to join Chromia and Firestar*

Rundown:  *scared but grim*  You got it.  Wait, where's Viisaus Prime?

Viisaus Prime: *Comms* //Torque Minor, Rundown, Section A is secured. Moonracer, if you would, please guide the civilians to that section so I can input the codes to seal it off from the rest of the station for the time being. Section B is secured as well, however, it's sustained damage and has been sealed off to prevent further breach. Sections C, E, and G are secured and have not sustained damage, and Sections D and F are currently being breached. The majority of the breach seems to be confined to Section D, so proceed with caution. Oh, and tell Chromia and Firestar to turn their comms back on.//

Rundown:  .... slag.

Moonracer:  //Yes, sir!//

TM: We're in Section D. Let's just worry about getting through this and securing the rest of the station...*pauses when he spots the Decepticons who have breached the station's hull* ...frag...They're huge...

Rundown:  Frag slagging son of a.....

Chromia: Slaarg-kissing, aft-headed glitch-heads!

Firestar: *making flambe'd Decepticon, trying to herd the massive 'cons back, while Chromia is actually shooting at the 'cons*

TM: *watching the tall, slender bot in the middle of the group* Something's not right here...*quietly*

Rundown:  Yeah, the station's got 'Cons on it.  *dodges plasma and fires back*

TM: Rundown, worry about the big guys! I'll deal with the shrimp! *charges weapon and rushes at the slender bot, who doesn't seem to notice that they're going to be attacked shortly...until the last second. Faster than TM can react, the bot has slammed both fists into his midsection, and proceeds to beat the utter slag out of the Minor* *goes flying as the bot throws him off, earning a fresh stream of cursing and vitriolic words from Chromia*

Rundown:  Torque!  *pops off a shot at the tall one, and then is distracted by a massive hulk who wants to dance*

tall bot: *dodges with a grace not seen by most, moves to approach Rundown, only to be tackled by a fragged-off Chromia*

Chromia: *Grappling with the tall bot, and soon both are shouting curses at one another, and it's soon apparent that the tall bot is actually a femme. Chromia, for her part, is showing exactly why she's one of the few 'bots best-suited for this particular outpost. The mystery femme is also a skilled grappler, but soon concedes and kicks Chromia off of her in favor of making an escape attempt amid the smoke and chaos*

Rundown:  *fells his opponent and then fails to jump far enough as the monster falls*  *crunch*  ...ow.

*and here go the station guns.  Though who might be controlling them is a mystery.  Whoever they are, they're a dead shot*

Chromia: *Whoops and attacks the bigger 'cons with renewed vim and vigor*

Firestar: *Sharing in Chromia's exuberance, but will take the time to get the 'con pinning Rundown off of the young mech*

Rundown:  *is flattened but still functional.*  Thanks.  *quickly looks for his gun, finds it, and stumbles to his feet*  Torque?

TM: *trying to clear his foggy processor, stumbles over some of the debris from the breach* Whoah...

*Shots go by overhead, hitting several of the 'cons*

VP: There's only room on this station for one brand of law, and it isn't the Decepticon brand! *taking careful aim at some of the 'Cons still trying to advance*

station guns:  *backing up his statement*

Rundown:  *is too*

Chromia: *gleefully backing up the statement as well*

Firestar: *Also backing up the statement, while keeping an optic on the dazed TM*

*elsewhere on the station*

stealth 'Con:  *opens door and gets a surgical laser to the face*

Fixer:  //You frag slagging slackers missed one!//

Chromia: //Well look 'o joined th' &#$^*&^ party! Was wonderin' when y'u'd show y'ur tiny floatin' aft, Fixer! *Laughs*//

Fixer:  *rude sound and then silence*

Chromia: //Love ya too, Fixer! Thanks!// *Grinning like an idiot, even as she shoots another 'con in the faceplates*

Rundown:  ...Isn't she over in one of the safe sectors?

station guns:  *wipes out the big 'Con who wouldn't fit inside the station*

Firestar: ...Fraaaag... Prime! There may be more Decepticons in the safe sectors!

VP: *shoots another 'con* Take Rundown and see if there are any other breaches! Chromia, Moonracer and I can hold them off here!

Moonracer's voice over the PA system:  There's one.  *gives coordinates of the tall femme*

Firestar: Rundown, come on! *Hefts TM onto her shoulders, moves to head to the coordinates*

Rundown:  Wait wait!  *pulls something out of his glove compartment and fiddles with it, then grabs her hand and...

They're there.*

Rundown: *urky*

Firestar: O_O Wha...

Rundown:  *puts it away*  This way!  Quick!

Firestar: *Follows after Rundown, confused as slag as to what just happened*

Tall femme: *has stopped, head is now drooping against what remains of her chestplating. In several places, it's apparent that her armor was torn away sometime in the past, and that she's suffered from collisions with several objects*...I can smell her...*her voice has gone from the tone and volume it was at when she was cursing at Chromia, to an almost inaudible rasp*

Rundown:  *pauses and suddenly the Lockdown part of his nature comes to the fore as he replies with a bit of ironic flippancy*  Oh can you? But you need to be a little more specific... a lot of 'hers' go through here.

Firestar: *has set TM down gently, has her weapon trained on the tall femme*

Tall femme: *lifts her head slowly, smiling in a way that suggests that something's not quite right in her processor* That...*static*...Showtime...She's here....*head rolls back down to where it was* ....Where are you hiding her?

Rundown:  Showtime?  *smirk and headshake*  Sorry, babe.  Doesn't ring a bell.  Now are you gonna surrender your crazy little aft?  Or do we have to take you in the hard way?

Tall femme: *growl, lifts her head again, only this time, the visor covering her optics falls off, revealing the badly scarred and damaged area* You...lie...I can smell her on you....*Rushes toward Rundown at a faster speed than one might expect from one as injured as this femme* TELL ME!

Rundown:  *steps aside smoothly, poking out his foot just in case*

Tall femme: *stumbles, rolls into the fall, landing in a crouch near TM, hisses, but doesn't seem to realize her location*

Rundown:  *perfect metallikato kick to the chest*

Tall femme: *flies backward from the force of the impact to her already damaged shell, hits a wall, and does not get up*

Firestar: *keeping her weapon trained on the femme, in case it's a trick* Nice kick...

Rundown:  *cautious approach, scanners at max as he looks the 'Con over*

Tall femme: *is out cold, and the impact has knocked loose some paint covering a swatch of red and white on the femme's chest*

Rundown:  *stasis cuffs her, and then scratches away more paint, frowning*

*as the paint falls away, the remains of an academy Autobrand become visible*

Firestar: ...She was a 'bot at one point, looks like... *quietly*

Rundown:  Either that, or she hung out with Shockwave.  *frowning*

Moonracer:  *over PA*  Station's clear.

Fixer:  //About slagging time!//

VP: //Good work everyone. Moonracer, do you have an estimate of casualties?//

Moonracer:  //For their side, six out of ten.  For ours...//  *falters*  //One.//

Rundown:  *stands and then passes out*

Moonracer:  //Two//

VP: //...Frag. Who are the two casualties?//

Firestar: //Torque Minor and Rundown...I'll need help getting them to Fixer...//

Moonracer:  //Everyone else on our side is... oh....  Oh dear.//

VP: //Moonracer?//

Moonracer:  //You... might want to be careful when you go back to the office.//  *sounds faint*

VP: //...Understood. Firestar, Chromia is on her way over to assist with Rundown and Torque Minor.//

Rundown:  *trying to come back online, his face creased with pain*

Firestar: *Gentle touch* Shhh... Just rest for now. We'll get you to Fixer and everything'll be okay... *hears Chromia a few moments later*

Chromia: *Muttering curses even as she helps Firestar pick up Rundown, before going over to TM and picking him up* C'mon...Fixer'll 'ave a slag-spittin' fit over this...

Rundown:  Fixer... offline... me.

Firestar: *soft, soothing noises* Shhhh, no she won't...

Rundown:  *grunt of pain*

Chromia: 'nough talkin'. *heads off to Fixer's with TM, and Firestar sighs, before moving to follow*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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