"I have grown old."

Feb 13, 2011 09:41

I watched True Grit last night - the new remake, not the original - and I have to say, whilst I enjoyed it I don't entirely understand all the praise and awards being heaped on it ( Read more... )

movies, movies: westerns

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Comments 9

spicedrum February 13 2011, 12:51:56 UTC
I loved it, and I didn't get anything out of it that you were speculating.

I think there's so much praise for it because it's not the John Wayne version. =P

It's really true to the book, which I enjoyed, so there's that. Also, it is quite a bit more "real" and hard and not happy fun times than most of the Westerns Hollywood is known for (see: not John Wayne *g*). That's why I (and Hollywood) loved Unforgiven so very much, and I think that's carried over to this movie, too. And you can't discount the performances. They were all fabulous, and that goes a long way.


spicedrum February 13 2011, 12:52:38 UTC
Apologies if that wasn't quite coherent, and also apologies for butchering grammar more than I usually do. I just woke up 20 minutes ago. =)


denorios February 13 2011, 12:56:47 UTC
I liked the realism of it too, the harshness and (excuse the pun) grittiness of it - I just didn't get as involved in it as I would have expected to. It was, I don't know, good on the surface but I just didn't feel anything underneath all that. I can't really explain it.


spicedrum February 13 2011, 13:00:15 UTC
I get like that with hyped movies, too, so I understand. I absolutely hate Forrest Gump and didn't ever see it until it was about four years old. It's a good movie, but because people were so crazy over it, it made me go in with a mindset that was much more critical. See also: Titanic. (I still haven't seen Avatar.)


fritti13 February 15 2011, 00:32:42 UTC
Yea, but The Duke did it so well! I'm sure this one will be good, but I'm a John Wayne fan from way back. (Am I showing my age here??)


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