"I have grown old."

Feb 13, 2011 09:41

I watched True Grit last night - the new remake, not the original - and I have to say, whilst I enjoyed it I don't entirely understand all the praise and awards being heaped on it.

It was good, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it and I thought all the performances were marvellous, particularly little Hailee Steinfeld. When you have an entire adult movie hinging on the central performance of a child, that child has to be damn good - and she really was. She deserves that Oscar nod, most definitely. And Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon, yes they were good too.

But...I don't know, the whole thing left me quite cold. I got the feeling I was supposed to be moved and touched by the relationship between Mattie and Rooster, that I was supposed to feel a sense of fear and worry for them both, that I was supposed to be saddened by the ending - and I felt nothing.

So, is it me? Am I missing something everyone else is seeing in this movie, or is just over-hyped? Either way, I'm glad it's doing well. I'm glad it's getting a lot of praise, even if I do think it's perhaps not deserved, because I want Hollywood to make more westerns; and if the ones that do sneak out do well, perhaps they might see there's still a market for these things!

movies, movies: westerns

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