Flying through Atlanta?

Feb 14, 2011 14:01

Does anyone have any experience of flying through Atlanta? My flight to Florida in April was originally going via JFK, but Delta changed the flight times and I no longer had enough time to connect, so they've changed my booking to a flight going through Atlanta.

I've just heard horror stories about connecting through Atlanta. I have two hours between landing and departing, but obviously as an international traveler I have to go through immigration etc at my first point of entry. So I have to land, get off the plane, go through immigration, collect my bags, go through customs, check my bags back in again, go through security again, and hotfoot it to the gate - and I'm concerned that 2 hours isn't enough time.

If I miss my connection because of how long all this takes or if my outward flight is delayed, do Delta have to get me on the next available flight? Last time I flew to America I went through Chicago, and I recall it was a pretty close run thing. They were paging me to the gate as I was legging it there, and I don't really want to have to do that again!

real life: travel

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