First world problems...

May 31, 2016 18:50

I think I'm having American withdrawal symptoms. This is almost the longest I've been without a trip to the States in a decade or more. I was out in America in 2004, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014 (yeah, I am so spoiled). I miss my American friends. I miss my American sunshine. I miss my American food ( Read more... )

real life: travel

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Comments 25

author_by_night May 31 2016, 17:56:26 UTC
Where in the States did you visit?

In turn, I'd love to go back to the UK. Especially Bath. I loved Bath. I feel like I should say my favo(u)rite parts were Stonehenge and Shakespeare's house, but nope, Bath.

ETA: Okay, maybe parts outside of London. Westminster Abbey is pretty damn special, although naturally I sort of nodded briefly at the royal tombs and urns and ran straight to the writers and poets. "Medieval King, cool... OMG I KNOW THOSE PEOPLE!"


denorios May 31 2016, 18:02:25 UTC
Those trips? Florida and Texas, since I have friends over there. But I've been to California before a couple of times, as well as Vermont skiing twice, New York (twice), Boston and Washington DC (twice).

Hee, America is kinda my favourite place to visit, as you can probably tell!

Westminster is pretty cool, you're practically tripping over iconic names! My great-uncle has a memorial in there too, though he's not buried there.


angevin2 June 1 2016, 02:46:16 UTC
I managed to be at Westminster during the daily prayer service in the shrine of the Confessor when I was there in January so I got to see Richard II's tomb up close and personal. I cried. A lot. The priest was very understanding, thankfully.


dancingdragon3 May 31 2016, 18:43:24 UTC
Sometimes I think the stork took a wrong turn somewhere and I was born in the wrong country

That's funny as I've always thought the same thing, but about England/Wales.

I'm curious what do you miss about the food?


denorios May 31 2016, 18:48:42 UTC
Just...the variety of choice, I guess, partly? There are so many things where we just have a handful of flavours and you guys have a gazillion! Like ice cream. And vodka! OMG, I spent about an hour in a liquor store just boggling over the flavours of vodka. And the restaurants we don't have - like Chilli's and Cheesecake Factory and Red Lobster, I love those.

Also, things that I just can't get over here like A&W root beer and Cheetos and Tootsie Rolls. And I love Southern comfort food, and that's just non-existent anywhere over here. And free refills of soda! So few restaurants over here do free refills. And the crazy amount of pumpkin goodness come autumn - pumpkin is just not a thing for eating over here.

I'm making myself hungry now.

ETA: Ooh, and IHOP! In fact, the whole culture of eating out for breakfast - apart from 'greasy spoon' cafes and McDonald's and pubs offering all-day breakfasts, eating out for breakfast isn't really a thing either.


dancingdragon3 May 31 2016, 19:10:07 UTC
Okay wow. You just gave me a whole new appreciation for my local cuisine, because I really love breakfast, Red Lobtser, and Southern food. In the south, we have a bit of a fusion of Native American, African, and European food that a lot of people don't appreciate.

Root beer is descended from a Native drink called sarsparilla. The amount of liquor flavors boggles me. We now have birthday cake flavor?? That comes in ice cream, too.

It's funny, because I always think of the UK as having a huge variety of foods, like more authentic Middle Eastern, Indian other Asian foods that we don't. Like having kabob take away.


denorios May 31 2016, 19:25:51 UTC
The only area I'd say we have way more choice is in things like crisps (chips to you) and chocolate bars and sweets (candy). We have waay more flavours of chips!

I don't know about Middle Eastern food - maybe in London and other big cities, but I've not come across many places for Middle Eastern. The odd Lebanese, maybe, but not much else. Which is a shame, because I love Middle Eastern food! It's got similarities with Greek and Turkish, and there are a fair few of those around. And quite a few Moroccan and North African places. But Indian restaurants by the bucket-load, certainly!


sherrilina May 31 2016, 23:00:13 UTC
Heh wow, that is a lot of visits to the US! And how funny that the things you miss are like Cheesecake Factory and Chilli's! :p (You guys in Europe do generally have more Fanta flavors, I will say that!) Well if you are ever back in DC let me know; there is a Cheesecake Factory right near where I live. ;)


denorios June 1 2016, 06:59:26 UTC
I think I've been, maybe, 11 times in total? Enough to lose count anyway! Certainly more than anywhere else in the last ten years or so - mainly through visiting friends and my aunt and uncle had a house in Orlando too, so it was a cheap holiday option!

Hee, I'd love to visit DC again. There are always things I didn't get to see, or things I didn't really have the opportunity to appreciate, through visiting with others who weren't interested or being hurried along!


slaymesoftly June 1 2016, 01:34:20 UTC
I feel the same way about the UK. We've done much of England (years ago) and did Scotland last year and I find it so frustrating that we can't just hop on a plane and go back any time we want to. But the world is a big place, and our funds are not unlimited, so....


denorios June 1 2016, 06:59:54 UTC
They need to get on with inventing that transporter already!


slaymesoftly June 1 2016, 13:05:21 UTC
Exactly! I've been saying that for years. :)


snogged June 1 2016, 02:11:36 UTC
Are you able to visit again soon?


denorios June 1 2016, 06:57:30 UTC
I'm hoping to - if finances will allow! One of my friends is in Orlando, and she had a baby boy last year that I'm dying to meet! And I've been thinking about a solo trip to New York sometime...


mystic829 June 5 2016, 02:38:47 UTC

Yes! Come see us! :) smooches!


denorios June 5 2016, 07:21:00 UTC
I need to, soon! I want to meet Brady, he's so cute in all his pictures! And I'm not a baby person at all, so when I say he's cute he must be REALLY CUTE!


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