The Atlantic Ocean sucks...

Mar 24, 2016 11:18

Yesterday I was craving Chili's chicken enchilada soup like you wouldn't believe. This morning I really wanted IHOP pancakes. Right now I could just take myself off to the Cheesecake Factory for a slice of peanut butter fudge cup ripple cheesecake, or to Cracker Barrel for some cornbread and honey butter ( Read more... )

real life: travel, food and drink

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Comments 13

snogged March 24 2016, 11:59:04 UTC
I do live in the States, but I understand where you're coming from.

Sometimes, you just get a craving for something and it makes you wish food teleportation was possible.


brunettepet March 24 2016, 13:46:36 UTC
Good luck filling the food void.


1_rhiannon_1 March 24 2016, 17:48:28 UTC
Oh man, no IHOP or Chili's?! That just sucks! I like Cracker Barrel, but I usually only go there every once in a blue moon. IHOP, though, I'm all about some IHOP! I'd bring you some if I could A - get to England and B - it would actually survive the trip and still be edible.


lycoris March 24 2016, 17:53:31 UTC
I get this from time to time just about stuff that is in Britain - the only doughnuts I really like are in London and I am not. :( I want a delicious Dunkin Doughnut!!!!!


moonpupy March 24 2016, 19:44:11 UTC
I was going to invite you to stay with me, your next visit? Then I realized that where I live has NO Chili's, IHOP, Cracker Barrel OR Cheesecake Factory.

Maybe there's a reason we eat at home a lot, lol.

I don't even think there's a bakery here that does fancy schmancy cupcakes. WalMart. That's about it.


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