Thank heaven for pet insurance...

Aug 31, 2015 12:34

I swear, cats just love to make you worry ( Read more... )

animals: pets

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Comments 7

angel_vixen August 31 2015, 11:36:37 UTC
The slew of cats over here send good wishes that he continues on the up-and-up!

(And, yes, they really do love to make us worry! Glad it wasn't anything more immediately serious!)


denorios August 31 2015, 13:12:29 UTC
I think I probably overreact a little when it comes to my kitties' ailments, but given they can't tell me anything I guess I'd rather be safe than sorry.

One of my first cats had to be put down the day I came home from a holiday, and I always wonder if I'd been there would we have taken her to the vet sooner? My parents just put her behaviour down to missing me, rather than illness, and by the time it was clear something was really wrong it was too late to do anything. So I guess I always have that in the back of my mind and head to the vet as soon as they look even a little peaky!


angel_vixen September 1 2015, 00:53:31 UTC
We lost a youngling (barely a year old) a similar way -- she was very ill, but her symptoms didn't look like such until we had to rush her into care. And our poor girl died on the operating table. My sister was her human, and she never forgave herself.

So if it makes you feel better to whisk them to a vet just to be safe, then I think you should do it. :)


eldritchhobbit August 31 2015, 12:07:29 UTC
So glad to hear he's okay!


farad September 1 2015, 09:00:57 UTC
Very glad he's okay - and great about the pet insurance. A very wise idea. Is he beginning to feel better?


denorios September 1 2015, 09:15:28 UTC
Yes, he's fine now! No trace of any issues at all. Bloody typical.


ciaimpala September 1 2015, 11:23:03 UTC
I always take my dog to the vet if I feel like something's wrong. It's worth it to be out some money but still have my beloved little guy. I'm so glad your cat is okay!


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