Thank heaven for pet insurance...

Aug 31, 2015 12:34

I swear, cats just love to make you worry!

I had to take Bandit to the emergency clinic on Friday night - he was lethargic, distressed, he kept trying to pee and couldn't. And with little boy cats that can be a real concern, as they can get blocked a lot easier than girl kitties and a blocked urethra can kill them very quickly. The vet couldn't feel any blockage, but she was worried there might have been a rupture as his heart rate was much lower than they would expect for a distressed cat and she thought there was a possibility he already had toxins in his system.

But of course, in typical cat fashion there was nothing. They ran some blood tests, did a scan, and he's fine, just a bout of cystitis. So he's got some antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and is suffering the indignity of having had his belly shaved for the scan, and I'm in the dog(cat)house for leaving him in the cat-hospital overnight.

I'm just glad he's insured! That little late night panic set me back the better part of £400, but I can claim it back. Makes me immensely grateful for the NHS, to see how damn expensive it is just for cats!

animals: pets

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