"I don't particularly like killing people, but I'm very good at it."

May 17, 2014 14:25

I'm having a really curious urge to re-watch all of Person of Interest. I'm just full of feels about this show at the moment, and I'm fascinated by how much it has evolved in just three seasons ( Read more... )

tv: person of interest

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Comments 7

seraphina_snape May 17 2014, 14:25:38 UTC
I've watched every episode at least three times - except for the last four which I haven't seen yet. (Do I need to prepare myself emotionally? Are they awesome? Will they rip out my heart? Oh god, I don't know if I'm ready for this.)

I love the female characters of this show. And all the others, but especially the ladies. ♥ Like you said: they're not just there to look pretty. They have their own stories and are just as important for the plot as the guys. (Plus, I love how they all keep saving each other on this show. *g*)


denorios May 17 2014, 14:31:06 UTC
Yes, yes and yes - in answer to your questions. The finale is a real game-changer - I'm fascinated to find out where it all goes from here!


seraphina_snape May 17 2014, 14:43:24 UTC
...I guess I know what I'll be doing tonight then. :D


badfalcon May 17 2014, 19:16:25 UTC
I'm only up to the beginning of S3 but oh god yes. I'm so intrigued as to Root's storyline this season and my love for Harold and John just keeps growing and growing and growing!


denorios May 17 2014, 20:28:41 UTC
I think S3 has definitely been the best so far. I can't think of another example of a show that has evolved so much so quickly, to be so far removed from what it began as, and yet just kept raising the bar in terms of quality. Any of the last few episodes could have served as a season finale, and yet the stakes just kept going up.


fritti13 May 17 2014, 23:51:23 UTC
Let us not forget the deliciously driven Control (Camryn Manheim) in one of the most fascinating villaness' (or is she!?) roles of all time, IMHO. She is terrifying and yet, she protected Harold and was willing to die for her country. A very complex character.


denorios May 18 2014, 17:11:47 UTC
Yes, one of the things I liked most about the finale was how it made previously 'villainous' characters like Control and Peter Collier to be suddenly sympathetic.


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