"I don't particularly like killing people, but I'm very good at it."

May 17, 2014 14:25

I'm having a really curious urge to re-watch all of Person of Interest. I'm just full of feels about this show at the moment, and I'm fascinated by how much it has evolved in just three seasons.

You look at what it started out as - a bit of a daft action show, a fairly ridiculous premise, an owl-eyed billionaire genius recruiting a world-weary ex-assassin to save people based on numbers generated by an all-seeing surveillance system - and then look at what it's turned into: in my opinion, one of the smartest, most topical, insightful and relevant shows on TV at the moment, that conveys some seriously scathing and damning indictments of government and society. It's gone in directions I could never have predicted, and it just keeps hitting a peak and then going beyond it again.

Not to mention if you're looking for seriously awesome female characters - kickass, independent, smart, strong-willed, full of agency and determination - this show delivers in spades. Carter, Root, Shaw, Zoe - I love these women. I love Harold and John and Fusco too, but it's so refreshing to have women who drive the plot as much as the men, who aren't love interests or plot devices or mere ciphers, who aren't patronised or coddled, protected or rescued.

Not that I'm pimping or anything, but if you're not watching Person of Interest, you are missing out. And hey, look, I have a summer hiatus coming up? Now what shall I watch...?

tv: person of interest

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