Ulquiorra Unmasked

Feb 25, 2013 21:19

So apparently Kubo did a short backstory on Ulquiorra and someone did a scanlation of it here.

The tumblr I got it from had the fan reaction I love, that sort of makes a bit much of it, a bit of a stretch interpretation but dammit. And here's a slightly more wordy explanation, which is nicely put. I should get a tumblr to collect things haha ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

blu_olivz February 26 2013, 08:13:28 UTC
as an ulquihime fangirl i pretty much lost my mind with the rest of the fandom when Unmasked came out lol
but at the same time, i didn't have very many thoughts about it.
tumblr's depressingly full of pairing haters hating on each other back and forth, so i try not to look into that abyss too much anymore :\ but it's nice to find a pretty one like that every so often.
it's easier to stay away from the fandom wank on livejournal, yet at the same time people are less active on lj these days compared to on tumblr. *sigh. gotta pick one or the other, i guess...


denkichan February 27 2013, 01:29:22 UTC
i wish i had more thoughts about this thing too because it's really nice but i'm just like: YAY...OKAY.
maybe ulqui's nihilism is catching~ haha, it is a very self contained piece and ship; i can't think of anything beyond it. well played kubo, well played.

speaking of pairings, i've been noticing a lot of naruhina a lot lately. did something happen o_Oa shit i have to start reading again; i took a break when he went to train with killer bee.


blu_olivz February 27 2013, 08:43:24 UTC
yeah, some sorta big stuff happened in naruto recently 6_6 you should definitely catch up soon.
suffice it to say that i've always preferred other hinata ships, particularly nejihina (for REASONS!), so this recent spike in naruhina is especially galling.


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