Ulquiorra Unmasked

Feb 25, 2013 21:19

So apparently Kubo did a short backstory on Ulquiorra and someone did a scanlation of it here.

The tumblr I got it from had the fan reaction I love, that sort of makes a bit much of it, a bit of a stretch interpretation but dammit. And here's a slightly more wordy explanation, which is nicely put. I should get a tumblr to collect things haha.

I don't quite get what happened with the plant-thing he admired. Someone in one of the page comments said they hadn't thought he'd be a "natural made arrancar" so does that mean when he fell into it he scraped his own mask off? So...Aizen didn't make him? I'm hazy on my arrancar lore.

It's hard not to think of the page as a (very, very detached) compliment. This thing really encapsulated his character quite well! I wish I had more thoughts but...that's it lol.
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