I enable and am enabled

Mar 29, 2007 21:32

My real life friends might want to skip this bit, it probably being TMI and all (unless I know you from Montreal, in which case you'll probably just be amused).

I just had to share )

supernatural, omg links

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Comments 32

eboniorchid March 30 2007, 02:49:48 UTC
First off ... *falls on the floor laughing* You're always so excited-sounding. :D

MJ is TOTALLY not only a gateway drug, but one of those bet-you-can't-eat-just-one potato chips too. Immediate addiction with near fatal withdrawl. XD

audreyovisual sounds like oodles of fun! (Dude, did I just say "oodles". *seeks medical attention*) And I am totally all for OMFG. :D

And seriously? Your comic looks like it would be AWESOME AND A HALF! *glee*


dendritejungle March 30 2007, 04:20:18 UTC
YAY - made you laugh! *g*

I sound excited? Probably because I only post when I actually feel motivated to do so - which is generally when I have lots of energy. Also? Totally the fault of Supernatural: I've been on one long high since November when I first fell for the show. (Well, except for that HotH dip.)

Yes! We can make it a fan group and addiction-support group! I like it! "Hi, my name's DendriteJungle, and...and...I'm addicted to Missyjack." "Hi, Dendrite."

Audrey is awesome, indeed. Fun and funny and relaxed. In fact, she and MJ strike me as having a similar combination of humour and quirky sensibility, mixed with a liberal dash of creative flair. I suspect you'd like her.

And really? You like the comic? It's not stupid? *beams*


anonymous March 30 2007, 03:34:03 UTC
Hello, eboniorchid, nice to meet you!

I agree that missyjack is a very, very potent gateway drug, but as you know, these international cartels depend, in the end, on the individual user for their existence, so obviously it's up to each of us to do his/her/zer part.

So, yes, I'd encourage you to finish the story so Den can quit yowling and rubbing up against the furniture, and settle in for a nice, long, fascinated read.

I'll want to read it too, of course. At home. Alone.


And, for the record, yes, I am oodles of fun.


audreyovisual March 30 2007, 03:36:16 UTC
Oops. Fun but not always logged in.

Now I can show off my new icon, too!


audreyovisual March 30 2007, 03:38:54 UTC

*waves hand wildly*

Wait! We could just call it Ontario Missyjack Fiction Group. Whaddya think?


dendritejungle March 30 2007, 04:31:30 UTC
Yes, you in the back, drooling over her new software? ;)

I still like Fan Group better, but will bow to the group consensus. CLEARLY we need to have an inagural meeting at which we drink Purple Nurples, eat some sort of Supernatural-themed goodies (peanut-free for Eboni), and vote on a name.


missyjack March 30 2007, 03:45:53 UTC
Okay kiddies you HAVE to stop smoking the crack. or is it something in the water in Toronto? I fear important parts of your brain are damaged! Not that I am discouraging adoration of moi coz I always wanted to be a cult leader when I grew up (just don't present me with any virgins - like Dean I am not into prudish chicks).

As to looking like Lea Delaria? Well maybe if you were very drunk, and it was dark, and there was a Wendigo chasing you ;)

I'm at work and the only photo i could find is on from a newspaper clipping. Do not ask why I am dressed as some sorta butch fairy. I am fairly sure there was no good reason for it. And I am difinitely more a big ass tree than a little figurine ;) *smishes you all*

... )


missyjack March 30 2007, 03:54:33 UTC
ps. it goes without saying i want YOUR photo in return!


missyjack March 30 2007, 05:03:55 UTC
missyjack March 30 2007, 06:06:26 UTC
S'cute! mmm you have very long fingers...


odd_for_sods March 30 2007, 04:29:47 UTC
Well, okay, "dedicated to"..."blames for"...toMAYto...toMAHto...but anyway! Sam/Dean car smut, no less! Hee!

Yes, it's all YOUR fault. I was happily minding my own business writing sick and twisted John/Dean porn and you came along and put this image in my head of Sam spread across the Impala distracting Dean from what ever it was he was supposed to be doing.

Sheeesh, the people I have to comment to meta with!!!! *lol*


dendritejungle March 31 2007, 02:54:01 UTC
\o/ Thank you again! *g*


anidada March 30 2007, 14:59:50 UTC
Dammit, LJ's eating my comments. *sulk*

I, too, am an enabler. Go to highwaymiles, and be sure to check the memories. Tons of Sam/Dean car pr0n, and this year's ficathon is about to get under way...



dendritejungle March 31 2007, 02:52:44 UTC
*hugs back* Thank you, my sweet! I am delighted your comment came through - I appreciate the recs. And OF COURSE you are an enabler: you pointed me towards Dawnie, which launched me into this whole wonderful online fandom to begin with! \o/

And now that I'm thinking of you, I should have amended my lj-cut-tag warning to say, "unless I know you from Montreal - OR I've fooled around with/carnally known you, your brother, your sister, your roommate, or your significant other, regardless of where you live - in which case you'll probably just be amused..."


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