I enable and am enabled

Mar 29, 2007 21:32

My real life friends might want to skip this bit, it probably being TMI and all (unless I know you from Montreal, in which case you'll probably just be amused).

Someone dedicated a pornlet to me! Well, okay, "dedicated to"..."blames for"...toMAYto...toMAHto...but anyway! Sam/Dean car smut, no less! Hee!

Now, I'm just holding out for eboniorchid's story of "hot non-heteronormative action". Dude, she is basically writing my DREAM FIC. *rubs hands in gleeful anticipation*

In other news, Missyjack is a gateway drug

To what, you may ask? To CRACK and MORE CRACK! Pure, unadulterated creative crack. One month I'm innocently reading her thoughts on The Biology and Ecology of Jared Padalecki, and look at me now: co-hosting a Supernatural bake off, working on heraldic devices for the Winchester boys (with "squee rampant"!), and...well, then there's the latest thing.

Audreyovisual and I kind of reinforce each other in some sort of wacky creative feedback loop. Earlier today I mentioned to Audrey, who has a gift for words - woe betide the world should she ever join an advertising agency - that we really needed an acronym for Missyjack fans. And she rose to the occasion with the following:


OMFG. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Audrey?

And of course, that got my creative juices flowing, and I started thinking about creating a little LJ community (and eboniorchid is so a founding member if she wants to be!), only we could call it "Fan" instead of "Fangirl" and point out that people from anywhere can be honorary members, so anyone could join, and then we'd need stuff to post to the comm, so I started thinking about that great software Comic Life that Audrey now has on her spiffy new computer and a comic started in my head as a conversation with Audrey. So then I got completely carried away with some sticky notes for some quick-n-dirty storyboarding, and here's what I ended up with. (Click on it to see the big actually-readable version.)

See? Crack. Actually, that IS how I picture MJ - a Lea Delaria-esque figurine like that one on her bookcase or, yeah... *hands* Tree metaphors. It just seems to be the way my brain works. And then there was going to be this little subplot about me looking for chocolate, and finding some and making little happy "ooOOOoooOOO" noises and Audrey telling me to get a room - but I ran out of sticky notes and space.

supernatural, omg links

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