Firstly, may I start off by saying how incredibly thrilled I am by
these Raoul the Big Gay Supernatural Dragon icons which
caffienekitty so kindly made? Thank you so much, Kitty!
Anyway. On Monday night, after spending a lovely evening watching Heroes and Battlestar Galactica with
twistedhip and Splink, we talked about how awesome those episodes had been. Twist, who has a flair for words, coined the terms "showgasm" and "aftershow" for our state of post-episodic bliss.
"Showgasm" pretty much summed up this week's Supernatural episode for me. (And apparently for the rest of the fandom, near as I can tell.) With the Evil!Sammy? And Evil!Sammy playing Puppy-Dog-Eyes-Emo!Sammy for all he was worth? And devoted!Dean who would rather die than kill his baby brother? (*sniff*) And the guns? And the KNIVES! And the whole scene with Jo? And "my daddy shot your daddy in the heeeeee-ad"? And did I mention kickass Evil!Sammy?
Wh..what? I've got a little something leaking out my ear? Oh, sorry - that would be what's left of my brain.
In other news, I am slowly corrupting my wonderful, understanding, enabling co-workers. None of them watch the show, but boy, do they ever know *I* do.
Which lead to a number of amusing exchanges at work this week.
"So I read
your post,"
audreyovisual mentioned when I was loitering at her desk. She looked up at me darkly. "And now you've got me thinking about the nature of evil too. Thanks a lot."
My co-worker Zsa Zsa Tanaka*, out of the blue, whipped around with wide eyes and says, "Oh my god. You're over the hump, aren't you?" *See, she's half-Japanese and half-Hungarian - I dunno, the name was her idea...
"Um, sorry?" I articulately replied.
"It's...what, Tuesday afternoon, and you haven't mentioned Supernatural once! It was last week's episode, wasn't it? It was too much for you. You're over them, aren't you? You're dumping them like you dumped House! I can't believe this."
(She's good. I was still kind of shell-shocked from Houses of the Holy. Okay, not kind of.)
"What's Supernatural?" another co-worker inquired as I was mentioning something to Audrey.
My jaw dropped. "You haven't heard me talk about Supernatural?!? Where have you been? And how have you remained un-...." I groped for the appropriate word.
"-tainted?" offered Audrey with a grin. Yes. That would be it. THANK you, Audrey. Un-tainted by my Supernatural obsession. :)
Zsa Zsa assured me she'll try watching Supernatural for the first time that night. She fell asleep after the first five minutes. That sound you hear? Would be me beating my head against the wall.
All I had to do was walk in the office. With this massive shit-eating grin I could not get off my face. "You're back, aren't you?" crowed Zsa Zsa. "They're back? Food tastes better, the world is brighter, isn't it?"
I grinned even more widely. I really couldn't argue.
I murmured to Audrey later how relieved I was that I had stopped identifying with the characters quite so much and could get back to enjoying the show properly. "I'm glad," she replied, "Honestly, I was a little worried about you." Me too, Audrey. BELIEVE ME, no one is happier than I am that I am again able to detach enough to enjoy the boys with my usual relish.
Audrey sends me a Supernatural fic rec. Hee! For someone who's never watched the show, Audrey, I LOVE how deep I've managed to suck you into this fandom! One of these days, woman, you'll see the show. One of these days...