In which I keep myself distracted, busy...and launching a SPAM-OFF!

Sep 01, 2008 23:50

So eboniorchid left on Saturday for Chicago. *deep breath* It feels like an era is over. I mean, we're going to stay in touch and visit (*coughandI'mtotallynotcountingdownthefortydaysuntilOttawacough*), but long distance is just not the same. The city feels...poorer without her ( Read more... )

supernatural, spam i am, real life

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Comments 16

audreyovisual September 2 2008, 06:57:45 UTC

At least you won't starve to death.

In other news, most of the Paris Hilton spams were kind of amusing.

I must submit my collection of MegaDik spam, promising in various phrasing how people no longer giggled at our hero's tiny tool once he started taking the product.


dendritejungle September 11 2008, 23:55:10 UTC
Perhaps not starve - but what if I DROWN in borsht!?!? Eh? Eh?!?! WHAT THEN!?!?!?!

Yes, you must definitely submit your collection! :D


lostandalone22 September 2 2008, 10:51:39 UTC
*hugs* I'm sorry you're missing her.

Yay for cooking! That's always a good distraction.


dendritejungle September 11 2008, 23:56:08 UTC
Thanks sweetie. *hugs* But! You'll get to see her! I hear you are in the same neck of the woods!!! Give her a big hug for me?


mycrazyhair September 2 2008, 12:26:40 UTC
Oddly enough, I never get any spam, so I don't have anything to contribute.

Good thought on the "snack bag", though. Rational thought may be difficult. Good luck! (But mostly good luck to SprightlySplink.)


dendritejungle September 11 2008, 23:57:49 UTC
Oddly enough, I never get any spam, so I don't have anything to contribute.

Dang, woman! What's your secret? You could make a million!

The food was eeexcellent and muchly appreciated. Not by her, of course: she was rather busy (though I gather the nuts went over well later). But the father was all, "Okay, come over! And don't forget those snacks you mentioned!" *g*


neeuqdrazil September 2 2008, 13:41:51 UTC
*hugs* I'm glad that you got food made and made a list and your bag so that you can just grab and go when you get the call.

I'll keep an eye on my spam - it will probably mostly be from work, since I still get very little spam on gmail.


dendritejungle September 11 2008, 23:58:57 UTC
\o/ I AM SO ORGANIZED in this one tiny area IT HURTS.

Ah, but the stuff that does make it through gmail is usually the good stuff! :D


eboniorchid September 2 2008, 16:08:17 UTC
Okay, I officially can't read posts about myself.


dendritejungle September 2 2008, 16:22:35 UTC
Oh, sweetheart. *catches you and hugs you tight, now and always*


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