In which I keep myself distracted, busy...and launching a SPAM-OFF!

Sep 01, 2008 23:50

So eboniorchid left on Saturday for Chicago. *deep breath* It feels like an era is over. I mean, we're going to stay in touch and visit (*coughandI'mtotallynotcountingdownthefortydaysuntilOttawacough*), but long distance is just not the same. The city feels...poorer without her ( Read more... )

supernatural, spam i am, real life

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Comments 16

today's spam - no mention of britney's vag, worse luck nixwilliams September 3 2008, 07:18:22 UTC
Stretch the size of your male parts

If you've always been ashamed of the size of your little brother - here's how you can change it.


Re: today's spam - no mention of britney's vag, worse luck dendritejungle September 11 2008, 23:59:54 UTC

I am holding off on continuing the Spam-Off until you get back from your trip. WHICH I HOPE IS OFF TO A FABULOUS START! :D


5am is not a bad time to wake up, all things considered! nixwilliams September 14 2008, 04:45:13 UTC
oh, it is! thank you!!! the jetlag is hardly evident at all.


trias_cube September 3 2008, 15:44:00 UTC
*Big hugs*

Wow, you cooked a lot! Beets are supposed to be really good for you, but I just hate the flavor of them raw. How did you cook then?

Yay for SPN marathons!! I recently watched Tall Tales again...that episode is FUNNY!


dendritejungle September 12 2008, 00:01:27 UTC
*hugs back*

I don't think I've ever had raw beets. But I do like them cooked! :D I just nuked them, covered, with some water in the bottom of a bowl. That's it.

Tall Tales is one of my favourite episodes! :D


neeuqdrazil September 9 2008, 21:00:57 UTC
I've got a good spam currently sitting in my spambox:

Researchers solvve checkerss: you can't win unless opponent makes mistake


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