Battlestar Fic: "Date Night" (Gaeta/Baltar, PG)

Aug 23, 2008 14:22

Title: Date Night
Pairing: Felix Gaeta/Gaius Baltar
Rating: PG. Silly and schmoopy.
Spoilers: vague for first half of S4, maybe
Length: 1,105 words
Notes: A very belated birthday gift for millari. My original idea was more layered and complicated, but in the end it was easier for me to give her our boys at their light-hearted fluffy best.
Summary: A ( Read more... )

battlestar, birthday, fanfic, slash

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Comments 9

airings August 23 2008, 20:51:10 UTC
Oh my god, they are watching Star Trek. I think I love you.

This was so cute! And totes well-written. You should write more fluffy fic :D


demonqueen666 August 24 2008, 00:49:10 UTC
Well, techincally it could just as easily be any cheesy space adventure from movies or television, but, yeah, old school Star Trek was definitely what I had in mind while writing it :P

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Gaius/Felix is really good to angst over, I've found, but sometimes you just want them to be cute for awhile.


millari August 24 2008, 06:06:33 UTC

They are so adorkable here, getting their geek on with their round robin disputes with the science on the t.v. show; arguing over and stealing ice cream from each other (their befuddlement over Haagen Daas was particularly hilarious); Gaius flipping out over the calories; Gaius in Felix's flying toaster(!) pajamas (and Felix for ironically purchasing them in the first place).

Oh and this?
“This is the best date I’ve been on in awhile,” Felix says, his quest for brownie chunks finally satisfied. His tone lowers slightly but still maintains matter-of-factness: “I’d even say it’s probably the best date I’ve been on, ever.”

Gaius frowns, pained. “Felix…” he begins disapprovingly. “Now, I know that’s not true.”
Awww! Yeah, they're schmoopy, but I totally agree, sometimes you need a breather from the angst, and they're both such quick minds, you just know that if they ever were a functional couple, they would totally have lots of sweetly snarky banter like this. I really loved this ( ... )


demonqueen666 August 24 2008, 10:39:32 UTC
Aw, you're very welcome. As delicious as the angst can be with these two sometimes, part of what made them so endearing in the first place was when they were my Geek OTP back in S1, so yeah, it's nice to return to that note occasionally.

...Also, I just love to make them banter. It's fun ♥

But I'm glad you liked it, and enjoyed their Star Trekkin', ice cream eatin', pajama wearin' geeky evening. I'm just sorry I couldn't get it to you a little sooner ;P


grinninfoole August 24 2008, 06:46:32 UTC
aw, this is really sweet. She will love, love, love it.

I'm really charmed by the way you write this pairing, and watching Trek is a great touch which totally wins my old school heart.

Though I want to explain to Gaius that a lot of the Treknology, like transporters, were devised purely as cheap solutions to production problems.


demonqueen666 August 24 2008, 10:42:03 UTC
Though I want to explain to Gaius that a lot of the Treknology, like transporters, were devised purely as cheap solutions to production problems.

*imitates Gaius' voice* Yes, but, but...the science!

Seriously though, thank you! I'm always a little afraid that I might have pushed it to far with the level of "cute" I bring them to sometimes, but it's nice to hear that people still enjoy it.


cynthia_arrow August 24 2008, 20:40:21 UTC
“Would you like me to start making a list of the things I wish you wouldn’t do?” Felix asks him.


If they have phasers, why do they even need torpedoes?


“Yes, well, clearly ‘physics’ are not something with which the proprietors of this venture are even vaguely familiar.” Gaius waves a hand at the screen. “Evidently their only experience with the concept comes by in the manner of crude description.”

Yay for science nerds being all snarky...and having a cuddly night in. :)


demonqueen666 August 24 2008, 22:11:04 UTC
They are my Geek OTP. My intermittantly ANGSTY Geek OTP, but still. At the heart of it, I will always love nothing more than to make them have adorkable sci-nerd banter with each other XD

Thanks for your comment! Glad you liked.


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demonqueen666 September 20 2008, 00:33:17 UTC
Aww, thank you! It is fun to imagine them that way, even though it never really had a chance to happen in canon. Thanks for commenting :)


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