
Nov 05, 2010 17:39

I'm over-caffeinated and ganked the My Fanfic meme from metaphand

1. Which is your favorite fic?3 Takes / Among the Leaves, Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)/Treebeard (Lord of the Rings). I dunno if it's objectively any good, but I love it because it was a perfect teapot fic (because of the "I'm a little teapot" song): you tip over your head and the story falls out ( Read more... )

blaaaargh aaaargh, baa baa memesheep

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demoerin November 8 2010, 04:17:41 UTC
I'm glad it's good conversation. Thank you.

Odion/Mokuba OTP!!!
NOOOOO - Mokuba's just so tiny, is all. It was just surprising when writing how well they turned out to bond over their siblings. XD

Maybe you should find someone to write a webcomic with...
I don't know any artists who don't need money. Probably the best thing to do is either try and write this stuff as pure text, or start learning how to draw.

I think that coolness should trump realism, but what do I know.
This is encouraging. Maybe I should just make that author's note and keep going with the fic. :D


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demoerin November 17 2010, 16:41:08 UTC
It's interesting to see one's writing evolve like that. Also weird, I find, when you already think you know how your brain works. And thank you, I shall persevere!


tyra_amria November 6 2010, 01:32:35 UTC
...your tiny vampire sounds SO CUTE. So cute.

And *salutes!* Man, I haven't been tagged in forever. *laugh*


demoerin November 8 2010, 04:14:03 UTC
He would sullenly thank you for saying so. Grandma raised him well.

*whip crack* :D


tyra_amria November 8 2010, 04:22:50 UTC

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