(no subject)

Nov 05, 2010 17:39

I'm over-caffeinated and ganked the My Fanfic meme from metaphand

1. Which is your favorite fic?
3 Takes / Among the Leaves, Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)/Treebeard (Lord of the Rings). I dunno if it's objectively any good, but I love it because it was a perfect teapot fic (because of the "I'm a little teapot" song): you tip over your head and the story falls out. The first line came to me like a gift (not that it's art! XD) and then the rest of the fic was done in one sitting, and minor fiddling that came with ridiculous ease.

2. Which is your best-received fic?
YGO: Tomorrow Today, Thief King Bakura falls in love with himself of 4000 years later and Bakura Ryou while they are basically ghosts in the sky. People are way too nice to me about this fic. I like it, but it's amazing that no one goes "THEY ARE HAVING A CONVERSATION FOR 11 PAGES, THAT'S SO BORING." Thank you to all passersby who restrained themselves.
In terms of hit count alone, I'm still BOGGLED by how much people click on the KHR: Tsuna/Kyoko Make Out fic. It beats all my fics - even the Gokudera/Yamamoto Phonesex one - for hits, what fandom am I even in? I think people are hoping desperately for porn. A streak of reviews have been all "There really should be ....... more, I'd love if this was ........ fleshed out. WINK. NUDGE."

3. Which is your worst-received fic?
American Gods: Czernobog fic. It's wholly incoherent, so fair enough.

4. Which is your angsty-est fic?
YGO: Growing Up and Dying Young - a complete mess about the Kaiba brothers that I should edit so it makes an ounce of sense. Still, angsty.

5. Which is your funniest fic?
YGO: "Let's Make Out!" Marik/Kaiba (and Mokuba/Odion???? Noooooooo).

6. Smuttiest?
KHR kink meme fill that someone said was "the hottest thing I have ever read, ever" ahahahaha YEAH GO ME.

7. Fluffiest?
That Jeri/Takato Digimon Tamers fic that was basically "I LOVE YOU JERI and YOU'RE A NUTBAR ♥ ♥"

8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?
I don't think so, but KHR: the "Yamamoto bleeds out on the locker room floor" fic kind of upset some people. *pets*

9. Which fic frustrates you the most?
all of them

KHR: TYL Tsuna macks on Gokudera (not finished). A kink meme request that turned out to be light years long and which switches plots, scenes, and interactions constantly and threatens to turn into Tsuna/Bianchi OR Bianchi/Gokudera OR Gokudera/Lambo. Also it's one thing to write TYL/TYE in a short kinky thing with the canon relationships pre-established, but when it's an AU with no previous relationship between them and I have to have Tsuna crushing on a kid (who gets older and older anyway, the age gap's not nearly TYL/TYE anymore) it's super creepy. At the same time, what the hell, it's just random fic. Except no, dear self, it's still creepy. Round and round I go.

10. Which fic was the most fun to write?
The one where everyone in KHR dies (not finished). Fire! Explosion! Radiation poisoning! Decapitation! Haemorrhage! MISERABLE AND ALONE. Hmm, there really should be ingestion...

11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?
I don't do much with OCs - unless we're talking original fiction, in which case ... I barely remember them. Maybe Pit Pony - angry tiny vampire prone to hand-holding, thus freaking out many of his friends from outside his culture, loves his gramma. Most of my non-fanfic ideas come in comic format (for I have been corrupted by webcomics and also tend to think too much in images), which means I do nothing with them.

12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart?
I hate both. I HATE WRITING

13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?
Weirdos with an unusual and if possible, optimistic point of view.

14. What character is the most difficult to portray?
Characters who are supposed to be complex, awesome, and/or mysterious, but make perplexingly bad decisions. Canon wants me to believe that they're amazing but ... they're so stupid....

15. Tag five other authors!
aramis_chan, tyra_amria, steveness2310, lacewood, ojuzu. I don't think I've seen you guys do it, so if you feel moved...

Speaking of writing: ........I suppose it's not really a plan to make an author's note regarding science-fiction world building that says, "This could be realistic but frankly, then it wouldn't be as cool". I mean, this fic is not my profound statement about the interaction and integration between humans and technology. This is Q: Do they make out? --> A: Yes! --> Conclusion: :D. But still. One should try to do better.

blaaaargh aaaargh, baa baa memesheep

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