Ooh, I spotted the post, but I decided to be virtuous (ha!) and wait for the book to be in my greedy little hands. And then I saw your post and now I guess I read bits of it after all?
Sin's pov should be interesting, indeed - looking forwards to reading this book quite a bit, even if it probably won't end with the pairings I sort of hope for, in a fanfic sort of mindset? (It is a Yuletide fandom, so ... there's always that.)
I couldn't help looking - it's been a short while since I read Covenant, and it was great to see more of the world, so...
What kind of pairings would you like? I'm kind of unwillingly into Nick/Mae, though I hope it won't happen because of, as she even points out, the whole sociopath demon + demon's mark thing. And I'm wondering what Seb and Jamie are going to do in London, if anything.
Well, when my requester gave me a carte blanche for the fandom at last year's Yuletide (aside from a slight desire to see some Gerald/Jaime), I ended up writing some Nick/Jaime (not going to happen), Alan/Nick/Mae (ditto), Alan/Mae (... maybe?) and a blink-and-miss moment of Alan/Nick in drabble form (very much not going to happen).
Of course, that was all based on the first book - no Sin or Seb to consider.
A final book with no conclusive ships at all does sound kind of epic, since lacewood's mentioned it, although given the author, I'm sure I'll end up loving whatever she cooks up.
I find it rather a pity that Nick/Jamie has been nixed, but they can still be a fun odd couple as friends. And though Alan/Nick's not going to happen, it's almost the best romantic option for both of them, poor guys.
A no-ships ending would be the most awesome troll move. XD
I can't tell if Alan/Sin is meant to happen, sarahtales hasn't SAID anything conclusive so far as I've seen, but people do seem to be rotting for it...
On the other hand, Sin appears to be the person most likely to actually punch Alan in the face for his manipulative tendencies. Maybe he WILL get punched in the face in the third book and learn a Valuable Lesson. (Alan, I really, really love you, but seriously)
Or maybe the trilogy will end with NO CONCLUSIVE SHIPS AT ALL! Whereupon I will crack the hell up and hand the lady a prize. XD
If Alan does get together with anyone, thus far Sin is the best option. Saviour of baby brother though he is, she'd totally be comfortable with nailing him one if it was necessary. Slap-slap-kiss is not my favourite pairing dynamic, though, and I'm not sure if even a Valuable Lesson would stick with Alan. That's a whole lifetime of lying and mistrust.
Or maybe the trilogy will end with NO CONCLUSIVE SHIPS AT ALL! Whereupon I will crack the hell up and hand the lady a prize. XD ....THE BEST ENDGAME
Comments 6
Sin's pov should be interesting, indeed - looking forwards to reading this book quite a bit, even if it probably won't end with the pairings I sort of hope for, in a fanfic sort of mindset? (It is a Yuletide fandom, so ... there's always that.)
What kind of pairings would you like? I'm kind of unwillingly into Nick/Mae, though I hope it won't happen because of, as she even points out, the whole sociopath demon + demon's mark thing. And I'm wondering what Seb and Jamie are going to do in London, if anything.
Of course, that was all based on the first book - no Sin or Seb to consider.
A final book with no conclusive ships at all does sound kind of epic, since lacewood's mentioned it, although given the author, I'm sure I'll end up loving whatever she cooks up.
A no-ships ending would be the most awesome troll move. XD
On the other hand, Sin appears to be the person most likely to actually punch Alan in the face for his manipulative tendencies. Maybe he WILL get punched in the face in the third book and learn a Valuable Lesson. (Alan, I really, really love you, but seriously)
Or maybe the trilogy will end with NO CONCLUSIVE SHIPS AT ALL! Whereupon I will crack the hell up and hand the lady a prize. XD
Or maybe the trilogy will end with NO CONCLUSIVE SHIPS AT ALL! Whereupon I will crack the hell up and hand the lady a prize. XD
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