Miscellania of the TRIUMPHANT RETURN!

Feb 03, 2010 20:04

Hay wassup my internet is back and the back of my head is full of LJ-appropriate thought-like things--

  • tyra_amria! Remember when I went "grr aargh Soul Eater should be taken out back and shot!" In spite of that I kept wondering why it was so well-loved and picked it up again and hey! It eventually gets fun. The first, say, 3 volumes are trash but now I'm on ( Read more... )

reborn! anime, star trek (reboot), soul eater, reborn!, bleach, omg heart

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Comments 15

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demoerin February 3 2010, 19:02:02 UTC
How come? If it's because it looks calm and sensible among the Fandom Wank side, don't be fooled! Bleach fandom can get really weird unless you stay on the fringes in your own group of fandom-friends. Otherwise it's a lot like Harry Potter at the height of the Harry/Hermione storms. And definitely don't read the manga - it's the pits, lately. The first 5 or 6 volumes were some of the most fun I've had in manga, but the series has gone so far downhill that it's been forced to start digging.

And they're hypnotic, too. *stares* *and stares*


desumethis February 3 2010, 20:15:29 UTC
SOUL EATER IS COOL i-i like stein/marie. )8 shinigami-sama is awesomeeeeeee although i find death the kid's neurosis very funny and sad at the same time. SYMMETRYYYYYY

and filler arc only interests me if secondo is involved. B| otherwise, i have no need to watch it grrrrr.


demoerin February 3 2010, 20:31:17 UTC
FOR SURE--after the initial hurdles, anyway. I kind of don't want to like Stein/Marie because they're quite firm about the 'It's not like that', but I do anyway! They're terribly sweet together. Although ... Stein/Medusa, you know...

Shinigama-sama is great especially with his old mask. Kid annoys me, but at the same time it's ver interesting to see his neurosis. It is comic relief, but it also has a more serious impact in the series than I'd have expected. Ohkubo's got interesting portrayals of 'insanity'.

MAN YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT BLACK*STAR, HE'S ONLY THE BEST. And Chrona and Maka and Tsubaki and Medusa etc etc, I always love everybody.


desumethis February 3 2010, 20:18:42 UTC
*amends that to "if the filler arc was wholly about secondo himself".


demoerin February 3 2010, 20:24:03 UTC
I don't think that's gonna work out for you, sorry. Frankly I'd watch the paint dry on Storm Primo's face, and and and perma-TYL!Lambo and a priest mired in manly wangst and monocle!Mukuro ... yah, I'm going to love it. :D If there's epic Secondo (and I DO WANT some rivalry, at the least) I'll let you know.


... oh you (for the nth time today) thelovemafia March 8 2010, 06:52:29 UTC
Frankly I'd watch the paint dry on Storm Primo's face


I guess we're all being very charming today. demoerin March 8 2010, 18:51:30 UTC
It's very attractive paint, you have to admit. (Cannot rid self of mental image of chibi G. using transfer-sticker tattoos enthusiastically on his face. So anachronistic, so adorable.)


tyra_amria February 4 2010, 05:22:28 UTC
You love me!~ *giant hugs of doom* Hi! :D

And oh-ho! In that case, then when I have free time (*sob*) that will definitely go on my list! >:

I need to catch up with Reborn, don't I?


demoerin February 4 2010, 16:26:41 UTC

Good luck with the free time. Someday it will come, I'm sure! But nah, don't catch up with Reborn yet, unless you want to do it slowly - we seem to be working up to a climax. Give it a couple of months.


tyra_amria February 4 2010, 16:53:34 UTC
:D:D:D:D:D:D *SQUISHYHUGS* How you be?

*laughs* That, I can certainly do! I don't really anticipate any free time until at least June. ;;


demoerin February 4 2010, 17:05:19 UTC
Asleep. And covered in work. But by tomorrow most of the work will be sorted out, and it'll be weekend, and then I'll sleep! *yearns*

Good heavens, that's not right. Is it the university or the courses that are creating so much work?


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