Miscellania of the TRIUMPHANT RETURN!

Feb 03, 2010 20:04

Hay wassup my internet is back and the back of my head is full of LJ-appropriate thought-like things--

  • tyra_amria! Remember when I went "grr aargh Soul Eater should be taken out back and shot!" In spite of that I kept wondering why it was so well-loved and picked it up again and hey! It eventually gets fun. The first, say, 3 volumes are trash but now I'm on chapter 60-some and thinking of the series using words like "j'adore".
  • If you're feeling kind, flist, take this short poll on your TV-watching habits. It's for *points up* tyra_amria's class and really takes about a minute.
  • There is no purpose or pleasure to cooked tuna, but mmmmm raw. And I used to be freaked out by the idea of sushi, ha.
  • Let the Right One in: Disliked it so much that I am downright vexed not to see other negative opinions around. The whole movie long I kept thinking 'goddamn prepubescent sex fantasies', which axed most of my enjoyment. On the other hand, that is more subtext than text, and my issue sounds a lot like the criticisms of Twilight that I think are misplaced. It's a vampire romance; whatchu want, fool?
  • O Bleach fandom, back on Fandom Wank. The IchiRuki vs. IchiHime thing taps into a part of the human psyche that is very weird and astonishingly strong - but aside from that I quite like seeing Bleach wanks. They always end up as long multi-ship affirmation threads, and 90% of those comments are about the Karakura crowd. "Needs more Kon! You know who's awesome? Tatsuki's awesome. Chad is THE HOTNESS." etc. etc. If only Kubo Tite had felt the same.
  • Wednesday--why is it Wednesday already? Who authorised this?
  • Leonard Nimoy has the eyebrows of a minor god. Warning! the image at that link is huge. But worth it. It can only be right and good that a TV show spent a relatively long and intensely dramatic close-up on going, "No. F'real?"
  • The new KHR kink meme is apparently a Gokudera/Tsuna meme. Is it the same three people making requests or what, because aside from this meme there's not much going on for this pairing. I've had to write my own fic, and then what is fandom for! Anyway, keep going. :D It's weird how the trends come along, given that khrmeme was very Gokudera/Yamamoto and rebornmeme very Squalo/Xanxus... Now there ought to be a Dino/Hibari meme.

And with regards to the news about the KHR anime filler arc,


Primo Storm filler what? Yes please! Yes! Please! Oh damn it will be the arc with lit. no women, unless there's something about Giotto's babymamas. That's what I want to know, seriously, how did the family-in-Italy and family-in-Japan thing work? Our hero abandons his family? There will be Lampo--equivalent of TYL Lambo all the time. In that case, who cares if the Primo guardians are personality clones too! (They so will be.) I hope they take a trip down to the beach where D. Spade likes to drop his enemies, and there badly needs to be Secondo rivalry. But if it's only coming out in April then the manga might get around to having the same kind of arc first, which would be magnificent.

reborn! anime, star trek (reboot), soul eater, reborn!, bleach, omg heart

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