
Aug 04, 2009 21:17

I'm thinking back on last week, and the conclusion is unavoidable that I spent a lot of time being thoroughly horrible. There were reasons, but that's no excuse to relentlessly behave like a jerk. Note to self: Must do better ( Read more... )

high school musical, reborn!, recs, recs: katekyo hitman reborn!, invertebrates

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Comments 9

thelovemafia August 5 2009, 06:28:09 UTC
oh, my GOD. I love the voice for 'Being Evil'. LOVE. And I was kind of waiting for the hero and the villain to GET IT ON. I KNOW IT WAS SET UP THAT WAY BUT. THANKS FOR THE LINK!

... the writer of that fic is Dangerously Genre Savvy and clearly spends a lot of time on TVTropes. I also think she plays Tales of the Abyss.


demoerin August 5 2009, 15:30:38 UTC
99.5% of everybody seems to spend a lot of time on TV Tropes. *checks relevant trope* Haha, Doc Nemesis is indeed Dangerously Genre Savvy, but he's so by gum adorable that who wouldn't want him as Boss? I also thought it was going to be hero/villain, but was overjoyed by the Scarface development - I guess this is why people get so het up about their ships becoming canon.

I don't know about Tales of the Abyss, except Alanna's hair reminds me of -- Luke, I think, except possibly Alanna's hair is even more voluminous.


thelovemafia August 5 2009, 15:43:24 UTC
ROFL - there is Luke being named Luke and being a cryful protagonist, for one, and then there's the fact that Luke is described as being very similar looking to Tales of the Abyss's Guy, Luke is close to two girls in his party - and it's just the feel of Luke ( ... )


demoerin August 5 2009, 15:55:48 UTC
"... why bother taking so much effort to build up the hero/villain if you're not going to go the right-hand man/villain path?"
To show that Doc Nemesis is made of pure woob, heart of evil gold and all, and we should root for him. *does so.* \o/

You're going to have tell me a bit more about the couple in TNG. I've watched a whole lot of Star Trek with Dad, but man, some of it was before I understood English.


(The comment has been removed)

demoerin August 5 2009, 15:32:19 UTC
There are people posting descriptions of bugs without photos, so that doesn't seem to be a problem. And the photos seem to tend towards the weird and wonderful, rather than the gross and horrible thing under the bed ... so far.


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