RiBadge fic and thoughts.

Feb 19, 2011 18:49

Hi!  So this post is mostly to post my RiBadge fic (THAT'S RIGHT RUTH).  It's unfinished but what I have is good and it kinda works as a standalone.  Plus I can't remember how I was going to continue :P  In any case the fic is for a rec for my RIVER TAM DAY OF AWESOME!!!   It's a massive manifesto post - a picspam of my favourite moments, and ( Read more... )

ribadge, peggy rules, otp: peggy/pete, fic challenge: river/badger, fic, farscape, real life, mad men, uni is scaryfun, ruth rules my fandom life, otp: john/aeryn, river is my hero, drama society, joan is fierce, big bang theory, general ramblings, firefly

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Comments 4

cmk418 February 19 2011, 23:59:21 UTC
I am in love with this. The situation, the pairing, everything. It just works.

Please, please continue it. I will bat my eyes if necessary.

And I totally agree with you re: Mad Men. Definitely more Pete and Peggy and less Don and his girlfriend.


delta_mai February 20 2011, 14:05:29 UTC
Aw thanks! I'll try but I have to do my Narnia project and my essays first. Maybe after Easter when I have more time.

YES. Don pisses me off so much. I mean, the actor is SPECTACULAR don't get me wrong, but I don't really like him at all. I adore Peggy and Pete and Joan and they're barely there in seasons 3, which I'm on. Not sure whether I'm going to bother to continue to season 4...


softly_me February 21 2011, 14:17:47 UTC
How far into third season are you? I thought The Fog (3.05) was a work of art and Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency (3.06) is in my top five MM episodes ever.

The fic: Oh, that was freaking perfect. Lovely way to meet the challenge. I love River's observations of the crew after the Wash's death, especially of Zoe. And you absolutely nailed River during her conversation with Badger. I find writing her dialogue to be the most difficult thing, but you did it easily.


delta_mai February 21 2011, 15:07:31 UTC
I'm 2 episodes from the end now! OMG BETTY :D And yeah, those episodes were brilliant. But I'm really pissed off that we got so little Peggy, Pete and Joan. These are the only characters I really care about and there was so little of them this season (plus we need some more Peggy/Pete omg). I don't know whether I'm going to bother to watch 4th season - it's really hard to watch stuff on the internet here as there are lots of video blocks and megavideo is a no-go as we all have the same IP address. Chances are someone will have used up the minutes before you get to your program.

Thanks! I found writing River surprisingly easy. It just kinda flowed like it was me. Guess it helps that I've been obsessed with her for years - I guess I know how she thinks by now. Badger was difficult for me. Are you going to post yours?


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