Help from Flisters needed!

Oct 06, 2010 02:08

Hi guys!  Sorry I haven't been posting - uni's hectic.

Just a quick request.  I pretty much gave up on SPN, thanks to them routinely destroying every female character I loved (btw blame them for how much of a feminist I now am).


It's still an awesome show, brilliantly written (plot and male character wise), funny and exciting.


I need you guys ( Read more... )

oz is epic, rantish, ozfest, drama rambles, y'all should stop hate and love kennedy, dawn is a cutie pie, faith wins the sexy prize, flisters rule, ozgasm, art, oz is god, feminism, willow is a badass witch, dark willow will eat your soul, uni is scaryfun, willow is incredible, drama society, i am totally in love with faith, btvs, wallpapers, kennedy is spunky awesomeness, supernatural

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Comments 6

softly_me October 6 2010, 02:21:15 UTC
I kinda figured you were busy. You should be living your Uni life to the fullest. Just don't forget about us internet folk.

I'm definitely still watching Supernatural, but have yet to decide if I like this season or not. Honestly, there are a fair bit of mysterious plotlines and I won't know if I like them until I see how they pan out. But we do already have another female character aside from Lisa. She hasn't done much, but she has been in two episodes in a row ( ... )


delta_mai October 6 2010, 09:52:36 UTC
Oooh really? Name, details please :) And I'm glad they're doing Lisa justice (typical they can only do it for a homely chick).

Lol my friend already told me about that bit! In exactly the same way as well (when she started liking Lisa) :D

Yeah, that would be nice. I'm really intruiged by this new character...

Thanks :)


sidriel October 6 2010, 09:16:39 UTC
Cool wallpaper!:D You know, I thought that on the first pic is you :D:D:D

I thought Mercutio is male character?;P If I could choose I would like to play Ophelia or Desdemona...Crossing fingers for ya!


delta_mai October 6 2010, 09:50:30 UTC
Lol I wish! It's Alyson Hannigan as Willow in Buffy :D

Yeah, he is, but the point is he's different from the others in some way. And it's Shakespeare so the gender gets bent a lot! I thought I was being really original, but Mercutio was actually the character most girls were auditioning for (as Juliet is so boring).

I'd love to play Viola, Helena (again), and Goneril.

And thanks! :)


dance_the_dance October 7 2010, 19:10:42 UTC
I never even started watching SPN because I would always hear how badly it treats its female characters. :]

Looove the wallpaper, saving. ♥ I was about to squee about Dawn, and then about Faith, and of course Willow, and, well, I can just say that I love every single character in it. :D


delta_mai October 7 2010, 23:19:45 UTC
I just discovered it. Which is horrible as I have S1-4 on dvd and other than that it's a good show. *sigh*

Hehe thanks :D I'm not amazingly pleased with it, but it'll do :)


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