Help from Flisters needed!

Oct 06, 2010 02:08

Hi guys!  Sorry I haven't been posting - uni's hectic.

Just a quick request.  I pretty much gave up on SPN, thanks to them routinely destroying every female character I loved (btw blame them for how much of a feminist I now am).


It's still an awesome show, brilliantly written (plot and male character wise), funny and exciting.


I need you guys to let me know whether there's any point in me spending time (which I don't have) watching S6.  Are there any more female characters?  Is Lisa being treated well?  Is there a possibility of more females coming in?

Let me know!

Also, I made this wp for myself.  Didn't work out as well as I'd hoped, but I still like it.  Feel free to snurch as you please.


And I auditioned for Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet) and Helen (Cripple of Inishmaan) in the Drama Society.  Helen is basically Mairead who, as you who know me well know, is the character I played in the awesome Irish, bloody, cat loving play Lt of Inishmore.  So it would be great to play Helen.  I'll let you know how it goes!

love to y'all,


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