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Comments 13

squint13 June 22 2010, 20:46:36 UTC
Wasn't it just amazing? With that awesome beginning (River! Breaking out of jail like that! - the doodle *giggles* - And the giant writing on a bloody diamond cliff! And the disarming earrings! And the burglary and meeting Liz X! \o/ Essentially, I adore River Song so frakkin much! XD Aaand abuse of exclamation points, check. ^^) and then that equally awesome, and so sad, ending. And the amazing and great middle. I just... I'm still in a bit of awe over this ( ... )


delta_mai June 22 2010, 21:46:36 UTC
OMG RIVER SONG IS EPIC!!! She's being written just so much better now. The whole beginning made my day. "Hello Sweetie" is now my fave quote :D

Lol target moment ftw. He can be so silly, so powerful and so geeky all at once. I love him.

do you have pics of him I can artwork plzthnx

I'm not worried for the Doctor because... he's the Doctor. Amy... kinda worried, but she's too amazing for them to kill. The fans would be furious. But Rory....


Yeah, I'm going to watch South Park.


squint13 June 23 2010, 07:00:25 UTC
I wanta t-shirt that says "Hello Sweetie" XD And a text message tone. ^^ Ooh, and one for my computer log in greeting :D

Hahahaah, mission completed then. ;) I found him 'killing' the cyberman and saving Amy so very romantic. *swoons*

I really hope Rory gets to, live, stay, whatever. He needs to be on the show. Even if one doesn't ship him with Amy, it's a quite undeniable fact that he and Eleven has great scenes together. And for that fact alone he should be kept (not that I don't like him with Amy, I do, but him and Eleven together can be so funny, or so sad, and I LOVE IT). Also, I hope Arthur Darvill gets loads of jobs after this. I think he would make a great Arthur Dent (Martin Freeman was great, but for some reason I can see AD in that part aswell. ^^), and Robin Hood. I know he is in that movie, but he should play Robin Hood. :D (I think it's the nose. There's just something about it. That and his pretty eyes. *giggles*)

Four days left! \o/


delta_mai June 23 2010, 09:13:04 UTC
OMG KILLING THE CYBERMAN WITH A SWORD!!!!!! *swoons with you* And Rory as Roman is so bloody sexy. I don't even know why.

HE NEEDS TO BE ON THE SHOW. We haven't had a real male companion in aaaages. And the ones there are (pretty much just Captain Jack, actually) don't stick around nearly long enough :( I love the dynamic Rory brings to the show. And it breaks up the whole Dr/Companion thing, adds more layers and more story.

OMG I could so see him as Arthur Dent!! Aw he's just perfect for him! :D:D

(Hated the movie btw. What's most frustrating is that Sam Rockwell is actually perfect for the part of Zaphod, and is capable of playing him properly, but for some reason THEY GOT HIM ALL WRONG AND COMPLETELY DESTROYED THE CHARACTER APPARENTLY NO-ONE UNDERSTANDS ZAPHOD BUT ME!!!!)

Rory was in Robin Hood? Aw :)

Shush I have to suffer through work while it's airing!! :(


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delta_mai June 22 2010, 21:46:59 UTC
I can't believe I hated him to start with! What was I thinking??!!! *sobs*


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delta_mai June 22 2010, 21:57:26 UTC
Yeah I just wanted her to be with the Doctor so badly. Because they seemed perfect for each other and I really didn't understand why she loved Rory in the first place.

But then they showed what a brilliant person he really was, and the magnitude of Amy's love, and I adored him too. I still can't but my finger on why exactly. He's just amazing.

*sobs some more*


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