Fandom Fun (Post the Second)

Aug 10, 2010 17:35

So here's the second part of this epicly massive post, containing arts and general ramblings!  I'm not going to post teasers again, as I expect most of you came from the link on the first part of the post.  So let's get straight down to business!






And for the ramblings!  First of all - OMG ARGH OZ IS GONE!!!!  Still in mourning for this.  Totally in love with him now omg.  Second - someone please help me love Anya/Xander, cos the lack of shippy moments (all seems to be comedy) is getting me down.  Third - omg hate the whole cancer thing.  Just not fair.  Cos my sister had a brain tumour, and my aunt and grandfather both died of cancer.  Fml.  But I love Dawn.  She reminds me so much of my sister (who is away rn wtf).  They even look similar!  Except that by 14 my sister was already taller than me (I'm a bit taller than Buffy).  That was cos of the brain tumour.

Plus - seeing why Fox sabotaged Firefly.  Cos even though it's season 5 (and I don't think Firefly had started shooting yet), the lack of Whedon is pretty obvious.  I don't think it's as good as previous seasons, though some episodes are amazing.  My favourite season so far has got to be season 3.  Cos it has all my favourite characters in, along with my otps.  Also WTF with half Faith's story being in Angel?!  I can't afford to buy that as well, but I hate missing out on what happens next with Faith.


But that's about it from me, cos it's pushing 4 hours now and I really need to go do something else!  Hope you guys enjoyed my fandomness, and btw look out for my Whedon20in20 entries, coming soon!


oz is epic, real life, rantish, whedon, artish, 20in20s, whedon summer, anya rules this school, otp, whedon owns my soul, general ramblings, incoherent sobbing, buffy is a bamf, warning: angst alert!

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