[Drabble] Idiot

Aug 24, 2016 23:51

Title: Idiot
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Type: Video Game
Characters/Pairing: Auron, Jecht, Braska
Word Count: 153
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Auron thinks Jecht is an idiot.
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy X nor the characters, just borrowing them from Square-Enix for a little while.
Prompt: writers_choice : #268 - smile/grin

World/Story: An Exceptional Journey


The grassy dirt path was worn and heavily used, Auron noticed, his sharp gaze scanning the area as they walked down the path.

Jecht grumbled and took a swig from his bottle, “Is this necessary?”

Braska glanced at him, inquiring with his calm voice, “What do you mean?”

“You know,” Jecht waved his hands in front of him. When no one responded, he shrugged, “the walking. You’re a summoner, couldn’t we use one of those chocobo’s from the ship?” He scratched at his tangled hair, “I doubt those guys would even care.”

Auron shot a narrowed glance at the blitzer, his brows furrowed, yet he kept quiet. Was Jecht an idiot?

Braska caught himself from chuckling, his lips curled upward in a smile. “Unfortunately, no.”

“Damn,” Jecht exhaled, before he took another swig from his bottle, “I didn’t think all the walking was necessary.”

Auron rolled his eyes, but choose to keep quiet.

length: 101 - 250, # fic: an exceptional journey, type: drabble, rating: g, style: gen, warning: none, @ comm: writers_choice, character: ffx: jecht, character: ffx: braska, fandom: final fantasy x, character: ffx: auron, media: fanfiction, genre: general

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