[Drabble] Like That

Jan 24, 2014 08:18

Title: Like That
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Aoba/Mizuki
Word Count: 200
Genre: General
Rating: R
Warning: NSFW, anal sex, masturbation
Summary: Mizuki enjoys Aoba when he's like that.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Prompt: drabble123 : #17 - Distraction ( Table Random 1)


“Oh fuck!” Mizuki's toes curled, his hips pushing back, meeting each thrust with an accompanied pleasurable mantra, that fell from his lips eagerly, “Fuck yes!”

Aoba grunted, skin slapping against skin, sweat dripping down his nose, “You really like that?”

Mizuki nodded, reaching underneath him, fingers encircling his own cock, stroking and pumping it in time with Aoba's thrusts, searching for his release. Aoba's fingers gripped his hips, pulling him into a better position, ass angled just the right way as he slammed into him.

“I'm very glad you enjoy it,” Aoba purred, “I can give you more.”

Mizuki begged, pumping his erection vigorously, pearlescent liquid coating his fingers.

Aoba leaned over Mizuki, running his palms down his back, dragging his nails, enjoying every hitched breath and whimpered moan that was released as he reward for doing so, “You're dreaming,” Aoba whispered, nibbling delicately on the brunette's ear, tonguing the gauged hoop enticingly. “Wake up, Mizuki.”

Mizuki stroked himself quickly, moaning into the sheets, ass in the air, begging Aoba to fuck him more, even as with the morning alarms brought him crashing back to reality.

The remnants of his dream still vivid in his mind, Mizuki grumbled, “Just Great.”

Cross Posted to: drabble123

length: 101 - 250, character: dmmd: aoba, style: slash, warning: pwp, type: drabble, pairing: dmmd: aoba/mizuki, warning: nsfw, character: dmmd: mizuki, warning: masturbation, rating: r, @ comm: drabble123, fandom: dramatical murder, warning: anal sex, media: fanfiction, genre: general

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