[One-Shot] Comfortable

Jun 16, 2013 08:01

Title: Comfortable
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Ren/Aoba
Word Count: 537
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Aoba and Ren try to get comfortable in their now shared bed.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Author's Notes: Another de-anon from the DRAMAtical Murder Kink Meme.
Prompt: dmmd_kink_meme : Ren/Aoba - sleep


“I’m not comfortable,” Aoba huffed, staring blankly at the floor of his bedroom.

Ren’s voice lowered to a hushed whimper, and Aoba knew he was down, “I apologize.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, shifting, before getting annoyed with the tangle of limbs and body heat and covers he was trapped in. “Alright, up! I can’t take it anymore!”

Ren hastily retracted himself from the bed, Aoba hoping up right after him, tugging down his pajama shirt. The tall brunette stood there, head bowed, not saying a word. Aoba sighed and reached up, ruffling Ren’s hair, “I’m not mad at you.”

He nodded, peaking up at him with those glittering eyes, “…Aoba…”

Aoba gave him a reassuring smile and stroked his cheek, turning to the bed as he righted the covers, “I’m not mad, you just can’t curl up on me like you use to.” He smiled as he looked over his shoulder, “I mean, you aren’t exactly as small as your allmate body anymore Ren.”

Laughing, he smoothed the comforter and turned back to Ren, “So no curling up until we can get a bigger bed,” Aoba leaned up and pressed a feathery light kiss to the silent male’s nose. “Cheer up and let’s try this again, shall we?”

With a hesitant look to the bed as Aoba pulled back the covers, he inhaled slowly as he gave a light nod, “Alright.”

“You in first,” Aoba instructed as Ren shifted past him and onto the bed, “Save me some room,” Aoba chuckled and followed suit, tucking the covers behind him with one hand as he shifted up against Ren’s chest. He rested his head against the bare skin, listening to his lover’s heartbeat.

“Mmm, much better,” he hummed, pressing a kiss to Ren’s skin as he slipped his knee up between Ren’s thighs and relaxed into his embrace.

He pressed a kiss to Aoba’s forehead, before pressing their temples together in the same fashion they always shared. Ren tentatively licked at a small patch of skin along Aoba’s throat as he buried his head against his neck. He wrapped his arms around Aoba, enjoying the closeness, yet the awkwardness of the position bothered him, “Aoba?”

“Hmm?” he mumbled, settling in for the night.

Ren shifted subtle as not to bother Aoba, and after a brief pause, he spoke, “I’m not comfortable.”

Aoba groaned, laughing even still as he rolled onto his back, giving Ren a bright smile that he could see even in the dim light of the bedroom, “Fine, find your favorite position.”

And he did, in a tangle of limbs and covers and body heat.

And Aoba let him, running his fingers through Ren’s dark tresses.

“Comfortable now?” he mumbled.

He could feel Ren nod his head and he smiled, “You owe me.”

In the end, the position with Ren wrapped and curled around him so protectively, reminded him of the days Ren had been in the dog allmate and how he would do the same. But then he had been in such a tiny form and now…

Aoba chuckled and buried his nose into Ren’s hair.

Everything was the way it was suppose to be.

“We do need a bigger bed,” Aoba said.

View Also on: AO3

Originally Posted to: dmmd_kink_meme on May 21, 2013.

character: dmmd: aoba, style: slash, @ comm: dmmd_kink_meme, type: one-shot, rating: g, length: 501 - 1000, pairing: dmmd: ren/aoba, genre: romance, style: established relationship, fandom: dramatical murder, media: fanfiction, character: dmmd: ren, warning: fluff

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