Title: Lab Help
kryss_delrheiFandom: Kingdom Hearts
Type: Video Game
Characters/Pairing: Even, Ienzo, Ansem the Wise
Word Count: 338
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Even tries very hard to dislike his fellow peer, but it just doesn't seem to work.
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories nor the characters, just borrowing them from Square-Enix for a little while.
Author's Notes: Writing this up before class.
drabble123 : #02 - Measure (
Table Random 2)
The lab room was that perfect temperature he liked it at, just right before it got so cold that the cells of his experiments wouldn’t duplicate and thrive. The cold slowed the regeneration process extremely and another possible note was that it was a fantastic feeling. Even cleared his throat his rambling thoughts straying far from his experiment at hand.
The door opened, Ansem the Wise leading the little boy into the room behind him, holding his hand. Even narrowed his green eyes on them, raising a brow, “Yes Master?”
The older male chuckled, “I have to go into town. Since all the others are busy, would you look after Ienzo?”
Even grumbled, “Why? I’m busy as well,” he turned and continued to look through the microscope.
“Don’t be so cross, I’ll only be gone a few hours,” Ansem chuckled again, picking up the boy and setting him onto the counter. He patted his head and smiled at the unresponsive look he received.
Even looked at Ienzo as Ansem left the lab, the boy gave him that horrible blank stare that made his lips twist in anger. He hated babysitting duty. Even snorted and continued to look into the microscope, getting lost into his work, measuring different amounts of liquids.
Several hours later, Even was startled aware with a hand on his arm. He looked over to the boy, who’d jumped off the counter and was offering him a beaker silently. The beaker was filled with a dark haze that swirled into black.
Even gawked.
Ienzo stayed ever so silent.
Staring at him for a few minutes, Even snatched the beaker and set it onto the counter, narrowing his eyes at Ienzo. The boy blinked, a blank look his only response. Even sighed, somewhere he felt this weird feeling stirring deep within him.
“Come on then, if you want to help,” Even grumbled and lifted the boy onto the counter by the microscope. Ienzo gave the smallest of smiles toward Even, who stuttered and looked away, “Stupid kid.”
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