Jan 04, 2004 02:44
Friends update. I deleted about 1/2 of you for various reasons such as not knowing who you were, yours being an abandoned journal, I didn't like reading yours anymore or you just didn't comment in the whole time you were on my list.
If you really want adding again, leave a message.
Aug 27, 2003 21:14
I just did a friends cut thing, so if you can't see any entries after this then you were deleted. It was mainly people who hadn't updated in 5 million years, people who NEVER commented in the entire time they'd been on my lists or people's old journals. Ta ta.
Mar 31, 2003 04:01
I just edited my friend list so if you can't see the last post I made then you're fucked. I deleted you because either a)you didn't comment b)I didn't know you or c)I didn't like you. Not many people fitted into the last one though :p I still lurrve you all but I don't want my LJ to lose the privacy and intimacy it once had for me. Bye!
Jan 22, 2003 01:53
Friends only. I need a place where I don't have fucking idiots stalking me and analysing everything down to the last syllable. If you want to add me, go right ahead and I'll probably add you back.