Title: Puns Involving the Word 'Watcher'
Author: delilah_joy
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Xander/Giles
Length: 1800 words
Setting: Post-Chosen
Warning: Mention of underage characters involved in sexual situations (though only of the solo kind)
A/N: Written for the Giles/Xander Fabulous Fall Fest. Prompt: Established relo, Giles catches Xander
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Comments 31
I like that Xander knows it's best not to intrude and that he lets himself slip into fantasies and memories of things that could have happened. His thoughts on Sunnydale Giles were so vivid, one could see this as something he'd thought about before.
And I loved this bit - This is three-years-ago Giles, retreating to his bedroom while Xander lay awake on the couch, both of them aroused beyond belief, both of them convinced they were the only one feeling it. This is Giles making phone calls between London and Africa, too long, too expensive, and hanging up hard and unfulfilled. The progression of Xander's fantasies/memories as Giles gets closer to climax and the timeframe edges closer to present day is just wonderful ( ... )
Thanks for reading and commenting! I've really enjoyed your G/X fic, and I hope we'll be seeing lots more submissions for this Fall Fest!
I'm done with my smart bit now, so it's time for: yay, totally memming this and that old classic the 'XD' expression.
Thanks for both the cogent literary critique and the 'yay'! :-)
Also, you can never get enough 'yay'. I just feel my comments are kinda redundant when they're just 'yay' so I try to be intellectual-ish too.
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